13.12.2012 Aufrufe

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung


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06 | Adoption Rights for Rainbow Families<br />

103<br />

It is now only just one short step to full adoption rights<br />

The exceptions still in effect with regard to the adoption rights of life partners are the last<br />

major legal hurdle that needs to be taken. There are two options in this regard: either<br />

lawmakers allow joint adoptions by amending the Life Partnership Act6 or they provide<br />

same-sex couples access to the institution of marriage. 7 Then all of the special regulations<br />

will become redundant. The journey down the path to legal equality, which was<br />

embarked upon with the initiation of the Aktion Standesamt in 1992, could thereby be<br />

brought to a logical conclusion. Then we can look forward to seeing what measures Bavaria<br />

comes up with in order to ensure that it hobbles just a little behind in the march<br />

towards social progress.<br />

.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

4 The Higher Regional Court in Hamburg considers this a case of unconstitutional discrimi-nation and therefore<br />

referred the question to the Federal Constitutional Court (Higher Regional Court Hamburg, decision dated December<br />

22, 2010, 2 Wx 23/09). | 5 Rupp, Martina (ed.): Die Lebenssituation von Kindern in gleichgeschlechtlichen<br />

Lebenspartnerschaften. Cologne, 2009. | 6 Thus decision No. 70 of the SPD National Party Convention of December<br />

6, 2011 “Ungleichbehandlung im Adoptionsrecht” (Inequality in Adoption Law). Accessible under: www.spd.de/linkableblob/22014/data/70_beschluss_adoptionsrecht_ii.pdf.<br />

| 7 Thus decision No. 68 of the SPD National Party<br />

Convention of December 6, 2011 “Öffnung der Ehe” (Opening the Institution of Marriage). Accessible under: www.<br />

spd.de/linkableblob/22004/data/68_beschluss_ehe.pdf. The proposition “Recht auf Eheschließung auch gleichgeschlechtlichen<br />

Paaren ermöglichen” (Making it Possible for Same-Sex Couples to Marry) submitted by the SPD faction<br />

in the Bundestag on December 14, 2011 (BT-Drucksache 17/8155) calls upon the federal government to submit<br />

a corresponding draft law. This proposition and a draft law submitted by the BÜNDNIS90/DIE GRÜNEN faction<br />

(“Entwurf eines Gesetzes <strong>zur</strong> Einführung des Rechts auf Eheschließung für Personen gleichen Geschlechts” – Draft Law<br />

for Introducing the Right of Persons of the Same Sex to Marry, BT-Drucksache 17/6343) was rejected on May 9,<br />

2012 in the Judicial Committee of the Bundestag by votes from the ruling coalition and against the votes of the<br />

opposition parties.

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