13.12.2012 Aufrufe

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung

Vom Verbot zur Gleichberechtigung - Hirschfeld-Eddy-Stiftung


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03 | Paragraph 175 of the Penal Code: “Abolished” after 123 Years<br />

of the dam” and the decline of civilisation were refuted. Stepping away from the tradition<br />

of persecuting homosexuals was a gain for society on the whole. Civil rights and<br />

freedoms were enhanced, people were brought from the margins of society into the<br />

middle, where they can now realise their full potential.<br />

It is especially important that respect was paid to the victims of Paragraph 175 and that<br />

they received some form of satisfaction through the repeal of their sentences. The fact<br />

that after the end of National Socialism tens of thousands of gay men were persecuted,<br />

locked up, and denied a happy life in breach of their human rights is a monstrous blot on<br />

our country as a state under the rule of law. In relation to this question, a final conclusion<br />

is long overdue.<br />

.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

38 BGBl I 2002, p. 2714. § 175a No 4 related to the prohibition of homosexual prostitution. | 39 BT-Drs. 16/10944,<br />

16/11440, Deutscher Bundestag Plenarprotokoll 16/219 vom 06.06.2009, S. 23916-23917. | 40 BT-Drs. 17/4042,<br />

BR-Drs 241/12 from April 27, 2012. | 41 BVerfGE 105, 313, p. 346; regarding the legal discussion cf. Senatssverwaltung<br />

für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen: § 175 StGB, Rehabilitierung der nach 1945 verurteilten homosexuellen Männer,<br />

Dokumentation des Fachsymposiums am 17. Mai 2011 zum internationalen Tag gegen Homophobie im Festsaal des<br />

Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin und ergänzende Beiträge, Berlin 2012.<br />


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