Appendices 5-13 - Nautilus Cares - Nautilus Minerals

Appendices 5-13 - Nautilus Cares - Nautilus Minerals

Appendices 5-13 - Nautilus Cares - Nautilus Minerals


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CSIRO Land and Water Page 1 of 3<br />

Centre for Environmental Contaminants Research (CECR)<br />

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Juvenile Amphipod Whole Sediment Test Report MpL 020508<br />

Client: Coffey Natural Systems<br />

Project: Solwara<br />

Test Performed: 10-day survival whole-sediment toxicity test using the juvenile amphipod Melita plumulosa<br />

Test Method<br />

This acute test measures the survival of juvenile amphipods (Melita plumulosa) following exposure to test<br />

sediments over a 10-day period. This test was carried out according to the protocols described in Simpson et al.<br />

(2005) and King et al. (2006). Sediments were homogenised immediately prior to being added to test beakers (38-<br />

40 g sediment per beaker, 5 replicates per sediment). Filtered seawater (30‰) was added, and each beaker was<br />

incubated at 21 o C with aeration overnight to allow sediments to settle. The following day, overlying water was<br />

replaced and 15 amphipods (7-14 days old) were randomly assigned to each beaker. Amphipods used in the tests<br />

were obtained from laboratory cultures. Treatments were fed 0.063 mg Sera micron fish food/juvenile every 3<br />

days. Overlying water temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured throughout the 10-day test.<br />

The number of surviving amphipods in each beaker was recorded after 10 days, and sediments were also stained to<br />

ensure full recovery of all surviving amphipods. Results are expressed as a percentage of the survival in the<br />

diluent control sediment. Also on day 10, three sub-samples were taken from each dilution, filtered (0.45 !m),<br />

acidifed (2% Tracepure HNO3) and analysied by ICP-AES for dissolved metals. A reference toxicant test (96-h<br />

water exposure to copper), using the same batch of juveniles, was carried out concurrently with the whole<br />

sediment tests. The median lethal concentration (LC50) and the 95% confidence limits were estimated by<br />

Maximum Likelihood Regression using Probit Analysis with Abbotts correction (Toxcalc, Version 5.0.23C).<br />

Sample Preparation<br />

Samples Collected:<br />

Samples Received: <strong>13</strong>/03/2008 Test Initiated: 22/04/2008<br />

CSIRO Sample No. Sample Name Sample Description<br />

WQE08070 A10988 Dry silty sand<br />

The sample was stored at 4°C and homogenised immediately prior to use in the test. Dilutions of the Solwara<br />

sediment were prepared by combining the dry 100% Solwara sediment (A10988) and the clean dry diluent<br />

sediment (sand) to achieve the required percentage by weight.<br />

Results<br />

Physico-chemical properties<br />

Particle Size Distribution of the Solwara Sediment and the Dilutions<br />

Test Material<br />

Size Fractionation (%)<br />

< 63 !m 63-180 !m >180 !m<br />

Diluent sediment 0 1 99<br />

1% Solwara Sediment 0 1 99<br />

5% Solwara Sediment 1 1 98<br />

10% Solwara Sediment 2 2 96<br />

33% Solwara Sediment 5 5 90<br />

100% Solwara Sediment 14 14 72<br />

Comments<br />

A u s t r a l i a n S c i e n c e , A u s t r a l i a ’ s F u t u r e

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