ajAti vAda

ajAti vAda

ajAti vAda


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12. What are the advaita institutions of the present day?<br />

13. Online resouces relating to advaita vedAnta and its teachers<br />

1. What is advaita vedAnta?<br />

Literally, "non-dualism," advaita is the name of the oldest extant school of<br />

vedAnta. advaita bases itself upon the upanishads, the brahma-sUtras and the<br />

bhagavad-gItA. advaita asserts that the real, essential identity of the jIva, the<br />

individual self, is nothing other than brahman Itself. The teaching follows from<br />

upanishadic statements (mahAvAkyas) like tat tvam asi and aham brahmAsmi. It<br />

is in this cardinal doctrine that advaita differs from all other schools of vedAnta.<br />

The main tenets of advaita are detailed in commentaries written by<br />

SankarAcArya, the famous philosopher who lived in the 7th - 8th centuries A.D.<br />

Read http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/avhp for a website dedicated to advaita<br />

vedAnta.<br />

2. Who is the founder of advaita?<br />

There is no single founder of advaita. Since the philosophy of advaita is rooted in<br />

the upanishads, which are part of the eternal vedas, the advaita tradition does not<br />

trace itself to a historical personality. However, SankarAcArya is venerated as the<br />

most important teacher of advaita vedAnta, as he wrote commentaries to the basic<br />

scriptural texts, and placed the living advaita tradition on a firm footing. Before<br />

SankarAcArya's time, the tradition was passed down mainly through oral<br />

instruction. Even today, the traditional way to learn advaita is to sit at the feet of<br />

an accomplished guru. Mere reading of the texts is insufficient. More details<br />

about the guru paramparA of advaita are at http://www.advaitavedanta.org/avhp/advaita-parampara.html.<br />

There is a description of pre-Sankaran<br />

vedAnta at http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/avhp/pre-sankara.html.<br />

3. What are the basic tenets of advaita?<br />

The essential identity of the Atman and brahman is the most important tenet of<br />

advaita. brahman is the substratum on which all phenomena are experienced, and<br />

also the antaryAmin, the One Lord who dwells in all beings. The innermost<br />

Atman, the real Self, is the same as this antaryAmin, and identical to brahman.<br />

Liberation (moksha) consists in realizing this identity, not just as a matter of<br />

literal or intellectual understanding, but as something that is to be grasped by the<br />

individual in his/her own personal experience. Yogic practices help in the road<br />

towards such realization, because they help the seeker in practising control of the<br />

senses, and in directing the antahkaraNa (the 'internal organ' - consisting of the<br />

mind, intellect, awareness and I-ness) inwards. The practice of ashTAnga-yoga is<br />

recommended to seekers by teachers of advaita. The seeker has to be equipped<br />

with requisite qualifications - qualities such as patience, forbearance, ability to

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