Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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love.<br />

11.277: For failed nevere man mete that myghtful God serveth,<br />

11.278: As David seith in the Sauter; to swiche that ben in wille<br />

11.279: To serve God goodliche, ne greveth hym no penaunce —<br />

11.279: Nichil inpossibile volenti —<br />

11.280: Ne lakketh nevere liflode, lynnen ne wollen:<br />

11.280: *Iuquirentes autem Dominum non minuentur omni bono.<br />

11.281: "If preestes weren wise, thei wolde no silver take<br />

11.282: For masses ne for matyns, noght hir mete of usureres,<br />

11.283: Ne neither kirtel ne cote, theigh thei for cold sholde deye,<br />

11.284: And thei hir devoir dide, as David seith in the Sauter:<br />

11.284: Iudica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam.<br />

11.285: "Spera in Deo speketh of preestes that have no spendyng silver<br />

11.286: That if thei travaille truweliche and truste in God almyghty,<br />

11.287: Hem sholde lakke no liflode, neyther lynnen ne wollen.<br />

11.288: And the title that ye take ordres by telleth ye ben avaunced;<br />

11.289: Thanne nedeth yow noght to [nyme] silver for masses that ye<br />

syngen.<br />

11.290: For he that took yow youre title sholde take yow youre wages,<br />

11.291: Or the bisshop that blessed yow, if that ye ben worthi.<br />

11.292: "For made nevere kyng no knyght but he hadde catel to spende<br />

11.293: As bifel for a knyght, or foond hym for his strengthe.<br />

11.294: <strong>It</strong> is a careful knyght, and of a caytif kynges makyng,<br />

11.295: That hath no lond ne lynage riche ne good loos of hise handes.<br />

11.296: The same I segge for sothe by alle swiche preestes<br />

11.297: That han neither konnynge ne kyn, but a crowne one<br />

11.298: And a title, a tale of noght, to his liflode at meschief.<br />

11.299: He hath moore bileve, as I leve, to lacche thorugh his croune<br />

11.300: Cure than for konnynge or "knowen for clene of berynge.'<br />

11.301: I Have wonder for why and wherfore the bisshop<br />

11.302: Maketh swiche preestes, that lewed men bitrayen !<br />

11.303: "A chartre is chalangeable bifore a chief justice:<br />

11.304: If fals Latyn be in that lettre, the lawe it impugneth,<br />

11.305: Or peynted parentrelynarie, parcelles overskipped.<br />

11.306: The gome that gloseth so chartres for a goky is holden.<br />

11.307: "So is it a goky, by God! that in his gospel failleth<br />

11.308: Or in masse or in matyns maketh any defaute:<br />

11.308: Qui offendit in uno, in omnibus est reus.<br />

11.309: And also in the Sauter seith David to overskipperis,<br />


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