Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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15.552: Togideres love leelly, leveth it wel, ye bisshopes —<br />

15.553: The lordshipe of londes [lese ye shul for evere],<br />

15.554: And lyven as Levitici, as Oure Lord yow techeth:<br />

15.554: Per primicias et decimas &c.<br />

15.555: "Whan Costantyn of curteisie Holy Kirke dowed<br />

15.556: With londes and ledes, lordshipes and rentes,<br />

15.557: An aungel men herden an heigh at Rome crye,<br />

15.558: " Dos ecclesie this day hath ydronke venym,<br />

15.559: And tho that han Petres power arn apoisoned alle!'<br />

15.560: A medicyne moot therto that may amende prelates,<br />

15.561: That sholden preie for the pees; possession hem letteth.<br />

15.562: Taketh hire landes, ye lordes, and leteth hem lyve by dymes;<br />

15.563: If possession be poison, and inparfite hem make,<br />

15.564: Good were to deschargen hem for Holy Chirehes sake,<br />

15.565: And purgen hem of poison, er moore peril falle.<br />

15.566: If preesthode were parfit, the peple sholde amende,<br />

15.567: That contrarien Cristes lawe, and Cristendom dispise.<br />

15.568: "Every bisshop that bereth cros, by that he is holden<br />

15.569: Thorugh his province to passe, and to his peple to shewe hym,<br />

15.570: Tellen hem and techen hem on the Trinite to bileve,<br />

15.571: And feden hem with goostly foode, and nedy folk to fynden.<br />

15.572: Ac Ysaie of yow speketh and Osias bothe,<br />

15.573: That no man sholde be bisshop but if he hadde bothe<br />

15.574: Bodily foode and goostly foode to gyve there it nedeth:<br />

15.575: In domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum, et ideo nolite constituere<br />

me regem<br />

15.575: Osias seith for swiche that sike ben and feble,<br />

15.575: Inferte omnes decimas in orreum meum, ut sit cibus in domo mea.<br />

15.576: "Ac we Cristene creatures, that on the cros bileven,<br />

15.577: Arn ferme as in the feith-Goddes forbode ellis! —<br />

15.578: And han clerkes to kepen us therinne, and hem that shul come<br />

after us.<br />

15.580: And Jewes lyven in lele lawe-Oure Lord wroot it hymselve<br />

15.581: In stoon, for it stedefast was, and stonde sholde evere —<br />

15.582: Dilige Deum et proximum, is parfit Jewen lawe —<br />

15.583: And teok it Moyses to teche men, til Messie coom<br />

15.584: And on that lawe thei leve, and leten it for the beste.<br />

15.585: And yit knewe thei Crist, that Cristendom taughte,<br />


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