Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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3.076: Maires and maceres, that menes ben bitwene<br />

3.077: The kyng and the comune to kepe the lawes,<br />

3.078: To punysshe on pillories and on pynynge stooles<br />

3.079: Brewesters and baksters, bochiers and cokes —<br />

3.080: For thise are men on this molde that moost harm wercheth<br />

3.081: To the povere peple that parcelmele buggen.<br />

3.082: For thei poisone the peple pryveliche and ofte,<br />

3.083: Thei richen thorugh regratrie and rentes hem biggen<br />

3.084: With that the povere peple sholde putte in hire wombe.<br />

3.085: For toke thei on trewely, thei tymbred nought so heighe,<br />

3.086: Ne boughte none burgages — be ye ful certeyne!<br />

3.087: Ac Mede the mayde the mair h[eo] bisought[e]<br />

3.088: Of alle swiche selleris silver to take,<br />

3.089: Or presents withouten pens — as pieces of silver,<br />

3.090: Rynges or oother richesse the regratiers to mayntene.<br />

3.091: " For my love,' quod that lady, love hem echone,<br />

3.092: And suffre hem to selle somdel ayeins reson.'<br />

3.093: Salamon the sage a sermon he made<br />

3.094: For to amenden maires and men that kepen lawes,<br />

3.095: And tolde hem this teme that I telle thynke:<br />

3.095: Ignis devorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera, &c.<br />

3.096: Among thise lettrede leodes this Latyn is to mene<br />

3.097: That fir shall falle and [for]brenne al to bloo askes<br />

3.098: The houses and the homes of hem that desireth<br />

3.100: Yiftes or yeresyeves because of hire offices.<br />

3.101: The Kyng fro counseil cam, and called after Mede,<br />

3.102: And ofsente hire as swithe with sergeaunts manye<br />

3.103: That broughte hire to boure with blisse and with joye.<br />

3.104: Curteisly the Kyng thanne comsed to telle;<br />

3.105: To Mede the mayde he melleth thise wordes:<br />

3.106: " Unwittily, womman, wroght hastow ofte;<br />

3.107: Ac worse wroghtest thow nevere than tho thow Fals toke.<br />

3.108: But I forgyve thee that gilt, and graunte thee my grace;<br />

3.109: Hennes to thi deeth day do so na moore!<br />

3.110: I have a knyght, Conscience, cam late fro biyonde;<br />

3.111: If he wilneth thee to wif, wiltow hym have?'<br />

3.112: "Ye, Iord,' quod that lady, " Lord forbede it ellis!<br />

3.113: But I be holly at youre heste, lat hange me soone!'<br />


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