Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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10.034: Or prechen of the penaunce that Pilat wroghte<br />

10.035: To Jesu the gentile, that Jewes todrowe —<br />

10.036: Litel is he loved that swich a lesson sheweth,<br />

10.037: Or daunted or drawe forth — I do it on God hymselve!<br />

10.038: "But thoo that feynen hem foolis and with faityng libbeth<br />

10.039: Ayein the lawe of Oure Lord, and lyen on hemselve,<br />

10.040: Spitten and spuen and speke foule wordes,<br />

10.041: Drynken and drevelen and do men for to gape,<br />

10.042: Likne men and lye on hem that leneth hem no yiftes —<br />

10.043: Thei konne na moore mynstralcie ne musik men to glade<br />

10.044: Than Munde the Millere of Multa fecit Deus.<br />

10.045: Ne were hir vile harlotrye, have God my trouthe,<br />

10.046: Sholde nevere kyng ne knyght ne canon of Seint Poules<br />

10.047: Yyve hem to hir yeresyyve the value of a grote!<br />

10.048: "Ac murthe and mynstralcie amonges men is nouthe<br />

10.049: Lecherie, losengerye and losels tales —<br />

10.050: Glotonye and grete othes, this [game] they lovyeth.<br />

10.051: "Ac if thei carpen of Crist, thise clerkes and thise lewed,<br />

10.052: At mete in hir murthe whan mynstrals beth stille,<br />

10.053: Thanne telleth thei of the Trinite [how two slowe the thridde],<br />

10.054: And bryngen forth a balled reson, and taken Bernard to witnesse,<br />

10.055: And puten forth a presumpcion to preve the sothe.<br />

10.056: Thus thei dryvele at hir deys the deitee to knowe,<br />

10.057: And gnawen God with the gorge whanne hir guttes fullen.<br />

10.058: "Ac the carefulle may crie and carpen at the yate,<br />

10.059: Bothe afyngred and afurst, and for chele quake;<br />

10.060: Is non to nyme hym neer his noy to amende,<br />

10.061: But hun[s]en hym as an hound and hoten hym go thennes.<br />

10.062: Litel loveth he that Lord that lent hym al that blisse,<br />

10.063: That thus parteth with the povere a parcell whan hym nedeth !<br />

10.064: Ne were mercy in meene men moore than in riche,<br />

10.065: Mendinaunts metelees myghte go to bedde.<br />

10.066: God is muche in the gorge of thise grete maistres,<br />

10.067: Ac amonges meene men his mercy and hise werkes.<br />

10.068: And so seith the Sauter — I have seighen it [in Memento]:<br />

10.068: * Ecce audivimus eam in Effrata; invenimus eam in campis silve.<br />

10.069: Clerkes and othere kynnes men carpen of zgod faste,<br />

10.070: And have hym muche in hire mouth, ac meene men in herte.<br />


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