Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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2.152: And seiden, "Certes, sire, cessen shul we nevere,<br />

2.153: Til Mede be thi wedded wif thorugh wit of us alle;<br />

2.154: For we have Mede amaistried with oure murie speche,<br />

2.155: That she graunteth to goon with a good wille<br />

2.156: To London, to loken if the lawe wolde<br />

2.157: Juggen yow joyntly in joie for evere.'<br />

2.158: Thanne was Falsnesse fayn and Favel as blithe,<br />

2.159: And leten somone alle segges in shires aboute,<br />

2.160: And bad hem alle be bown, beggers and othere,<br />

2.161: To wenden with hem to Westmynstre to witnesse this dede.<br />

2.162: Ac thanne cared thei for caples to carien hem thider;<br />

2.163: And Favel fette forth thanne foles ynowe<br />

2.164: And sette Mede upon a sherreve shoed al newe,<br />

2.165: And Fals sat on a sisour that softeli trotted<br />

2.166: And Favel on a flaterere fetisly atired.<br />

2.167: Tho hadde notaries none; anoyed thei were<br />

2.168: For Symonye and Cyvylle sholde on hire feet gange.<br />

2.169: Ac thanne swoor Symonye and Cyvylle bothe<br />

2.170: That somonours golde be sadeled and serven hem echone.<br />

2.171: "And late apparaille thise provisours in palfreyes wise;<br />

2.172: Sire Symonye hymself shal sitte upon hir bakkes.<br />

2.173: Denes and southdenes, drawe yow togideres;<br />

2.174: Erchedekenes and officials and alle youre registrers,<br />

2.175: Lat sadle hem with silver oure synne to suffre —<br />

2.176: As devoutrye and divorses and derne usurie —<br />

2.177: To bere bisshopes aboute abrood in visitynge.<br />

2.178: Paulynes pryvees for pleintes in consistorie<br />

2.179: Shul serven myself that Cyvyle is nempned.<br />

2.180: And cartsadle the commissarie — oure cart shal he [drawe],<br />

2.181: And fecchen us vitailles at fornicatores,<br />

2.182: And maketh of Lyere a lang cart to leden alle thise othere,<br />

2.183: As fobberes and faitours that on hire feet rennen.'<br />

2.184: And thus Fals and Favel fareth forth togideres,<br />

2.185: And Mede in the middes and alle thise men after.<br />

2.186: I have no tome to telle the tail that hem folweth,<br />

2.187: Of many maner man that on this molde libbeth,<br />

2.188: Ac Gyle was forgoer and gyed hem alle.<br />

2.189: Sothnesse seigh hem wel, and seide but litel,<br />

2.190: A[c] priked his palfrey and passed hem alle,<br />


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