Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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20.035: And Nede is next hym, for anoon he meketh<br />

20.036: And as lowe as a lomb, for lakkyng that hym nedeth;<br />

20.037: For nede maketh nede fele nedes lowe-herted.<br />

20.038: Philosophres forsoke welthe for thei wolde be nedy,<br />

20.039: And woneden wel elengely and wolde noght be riche.<br />

20.040: "And God al his grete joye goostliche he lefte,<br />

20.041: And cam and took mankynde and bicam nedy."<br />

20.042: So he was nedy, as seith the Book, in manye sondry places,<br />

20.043: That he seide in his some on the selve roode,<br />

20.044: "'the Fox and fowel may fle to hole and crepe,<br />

20.045: And the fissh hath fyn to flete with to reste,<br />

20.046: Ther nede hath ynome me, that I moot nede abide<br />

20.047: And suffre sorwes ful soure, that shal to joye torne.''<br />

20.048: Forthi be noght abasshed to bide and to be nedy,<br />

20.049: Sith he that wroghte al the world was wilfulliche nedy,<br />

20.050: Ne nevere noon so nedy ne poverer deide.'<br />

20.051: Whan Nede hadde undernome rne thus, anoon I fil aslepe,<br />

20.052: And mette ful merveillously that in mannes forme<br />

20.053: Antecrist cam thanne, and al the crop of truthe<br />

20.054: Torned it [tid] up-so-doun, and overtilte the roote,<br />

20.055: And made fals sprynge and sprede and spede mennes nedes.<br />

20.056: In ech a contree ther he cam he kutte awey truthe.<br />

20.057: And gerte gile growe there as he a god weere.<br />

20.058: Freres folwede that fend, for he gaf hem copes,<br />

20.059: And religiouse reverenced hym and rongen hir belles,<br />

20.060: And al the covent cam to welcome that tyraunt,<br />

20.061: And alle hise as wel as hym — save oonly fooles;<br />

20.062: Whiche fooles were wel gladdere to deye<br />

20.063: Than to lyve lenger sith Leute was so rebuked,<br />

20.064: And a fals fend Antecrist over alle folk regnede.<br />

20.065: And that were rnylde men and holye, that no meschief dradden,<br />

20.066: Defyed alle falsnesse and folk that it usede;<br />

20.067: And what kyng that hem conforted, knowynge h[ir] gile,<br />

20.068: They cursed, and hir conseil — were it clerk or lewed.<br />

20.069: Antecrist hadde thus soone hundredes at his baner,<br />

20.070: And Pride bar it bare boldely aboute,<br />

20.071: With a lord that lyveth after likyng of body,<br />

20.072: That cam ayein Conscience, that kepere was and gyour<br />

20.073: Over kynde Cristene and Cardynale Vertues.<br />


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