Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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13.168: Nought thorugh wicchecraft but thorugh wit; and thow wilt<br />

thiselve<br />

13.169: Do kyng and quene and alle the comune after<br />

13.170: Yyve thee al that thei may yyve, as thee for best yemere,<br />

13.171: And as thow demest wil thei do alle hir dayes after:<br />

13.171: Pacientes vincunt.'<br />

13.172: " <strong>It</strong> is but a dido,' quod this doctour, "a disours tale!<br />

13.173: Al the wit of this world and wight mennes strengthe<br />

13.174: Kan noght [par]formen a pees bitwene the Pope and hise enemys,<br />

13.175: Ne bitwene two Cristene kynges kan no wight pees make<br />

13.176: Profitable to either peple — and putte the table fro hym,<br />

13.177: And took Clergie and Conscience to conseil, as it were,<br />

13.178: That Pacience tho most passe — for pilgrymes konne wel lye.'<br />

13.179: Ac Conscience carped loude and curteisliche seide,<br />

13.180: " Frendes, fareth wel,' and faire spak to Clergie,<br />

13.181: " For I wol go with this gome, if God wol yeve me grace,<br />

13.182: And be nilgrym with Pacience til I have preved moore.'<br />

13.183: "What! ' quod Clergie to Conscience, "are ye coveitous nouthe<br />

13.184: After yeresyeves or yiftes. or yernen to rede redels?<br />

13.185: I shal brynge yow a Bible, a book of the olde lawe,<br />

13.186: And lere yow, if yow like, the leeste point to knowe,<br />

13.187: That Pacience the pilgrym parfitly knew nevere.'<br />

13.188: " Nay, by Crist!' quod Conscience to Clergie, " God thee foryelde.<br />

13.189: For al that Pacience me profreth, proud am I litel;<br />

13.190: Ac the wil of the wye and the wil of folk here<br />

13.191: Hath meved my mood to moorne for my synnes.<br />

13.192: The goode wil of a wight was nevere bought to the fulle:<br />

13.193: For ther nys no tresour therto to a trewe wille.<br />

13.194: "Hadde noght Marie Maudeleyne moore for a box of salve<br />

13.195: Than Zacheus for he seide, " Dimiaium bonorum meorum do<br />

pauperibus,'<br />

13.196: And the poore widewe for a peire of mytes<br />

13.197: Than alle tho that offrede into gazophilacium ?'<br />

13.198: Thus curteisliche Conscience congeyed first the frere,<br />

13.199: And sithen softeliche he seide in Clergies ere,<br />

13.200: "Me were levere, by Oure Lord, and I lyve sholde,<br />

13.201: Have pacience parfitliche than half thi pak of bokes! '<br />

13.202: Clergie of Conscience no congie wolde take,<br />

13.203: But seide ful sobreliche, "Thow shalt se the tyme<br />


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