Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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11.108: Ac the matere that she meved, if lewed men it knewe,<br />

11.109: The lasse, as I leve, lovyen thei wolde<br />

11.110: The bileve o[f Oure] Lord that lettred men techeth.<br />

11.111: This was hir teme and hir text — I took ful good hede:<br />

11.112: "Multi to a mangerie and to the mete were sompned;<br />

11.113: And whan the peple was plener comen, the porter unpynned the<br />

yate<br />

11.114: And plukked in Pauci pryveliche and leet the remenaunt go<br />

rome.'<br />

11.115: Al for tene of hir text trembled myn herte,<br />

11.116: And in a weer gan I wexe, and with myself to dispute<br />

11.117: Wheither I were chose or noght chose; on Holy Chirche I<br />

thoughte,<br />

11.118: That underfeng me atte font for oon of Goddes chosene.<br />

11.119: For Crist cleped us alle, come if we wolde —<br />

11.120: Sarsens and scismatikes, and so he dide the Jewes:<br />

11.120: O vos omnes sicientes, venite &c;<br />

11.121: And bad hem souke for synne sa[l]ve at his breste.<br />

11.122: And drynke boote for bale, brouke it whoso myghte.<br />

11.123: "Thanne may alle Cristene come,' quod I,-and cleyme there entree<br />

11.124: By the blood that he boughte us with and thorugh bapteme after:<br />

11.124: Qui crediderit et baptizatus fuerit &c.<br />

11.125: For though a Cristen man coveited his Cristendom to reneye,<br />

11.126: Rightfully to reneye no reson it wolde.<br />

11.127: " For may no cherl chartre make, ne his c[h]atel selle<br />

11.128: Withouten leve of his lord — no lawe wol it graunte.<br />

11.129: Ac he may renne in arerage and rome fro home,<br />

11.130: And as a reneyed caytif recchelesly aboute.<br />

11.131: Ac Reson shal rekene with hym and rebuken hym at the laste,<br />

11.132: And Conscience acounte with hym and casten hym in arerage,<br />

11.133: And putten hym after in prison in purgatorie to brenne,<br />

11.134: For his arerages rewarden hym there right to the day of dome,<br />

11.135: But if Contricion wol come and crye by his lyve<br />

11.136: Mercy for hise mysdedes with mouthe or with herte.'<br />

11.137: " That is sooth,' seide Scripture; " may no synne lette<br />

11.138: Mercy al to amende, and mekenesse hir folwe;<br />

11.139: For thei beth, as oure bokes telleth, above Goddes werkes:-<br />

11.139: Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius.'<br />

11.140: "Ye, baw for bokes!' quod oon was broken out ofhelle.<br />


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