Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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10.211: " Yet ar ther fibicches in forceres of fele mennes makynge,<br />

10.212: Experiments of Alkenamye the peple to deceyve;<br />

10.213: If thow thynke to dowel, deel therwith nevere!<br />

10.214: Alle thise sciences I myself sotilede and ordeynede,<br />

10.215: And founded hem formest folk to deceyve.<br />

10.216: "Tel Clergie thise tokenes, and to Scripture after,<br />

10.217: To counseille thee kyndely to knowe what is Dowel.'<br />

10.218: I seide, " Graunt mercy, madame,' and mekely hir grette,<br />

10.219: And wente wightly my wey withoute moore lettyng —<br />

10.220: And til I com to Clergie I koude nevere stynte.<br />

10.221: I grette the goode man as the goode wif me taughte,<br />

10.222: And afterwardes the wif, and worshiped hem bothe,<br />

10.223: And tolde hem the tokenes that me taught were.<br />

10.224: Was nevere gome upon this ground, sith God made the worlde,<br />

10.225: Fairer underfongen ne frendloker at ese<br />

10.226: Than myself, soothly, soone so he wiste<br />

10.227: That I was of Wittes hous and with his wif Dame Studie.<br />

10.228: I seide to hem soothly that sent was I thider<br />

10.229: Dowel and I and Dobt to leme.<br />

10.230: "<strong>It</strong> is a commune lyf,' quod Mergie, "on Holy Chirche to bileve,<br />

10.231: With alle the articles of the feith that falleth to be knowe:<br />

10.232: And that is to bileve lelly, bothe lered and lewed,<br />

10.233: On the grete God that gynnyng hadde nevere,<br />

10.234: And on the soothfast Sone that saved mankynde<br />

10.235: Fro the dedly deeth and the develes power<br />

10.236: Thorugh the help of the Holy Goost, the which goost is of bothe<br />

—<br />

10.237: Thre propre persones, ac noght in plurel nombre,<br />

10.238: For al is but oon God and ech is God hymselve:<br />

10.238: Deus Pater, Deus Filius, Deus Spiritus Sanctus —<br />

10.239: God the Fader, God the Sone, God Holy Goost of bothe,<br />

10.240: Maker of mankynde and of [animal]es bothe.<br />

10.241: "Austyn the olde herof made bokes,<br />

10.242: And hymself ordeyned to sadde us in bileve.<br />

10.243: Who was his auctour? Alle the foure Evaungelistes;<br />

10.244: And Crist cleped hymself so, the [same] bereth witnesse:<br />

10.244: Ego in patre et pater in me est, et qui videt me<br />

10.244: videt et patrem meum.<br />

10.245: "Alle the clerkes under Crist ne koude this assoille,<br />


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