Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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Passus Eight<br />

8.001: Thus yrobed in russet I romed aboute<br />

8.002: Al a somer seson for to seke Dowel,<br />

8.003: And frayned ful ofte of folk that I mette<br />

8.004: If any wight wiste wher Dowel was at inne,<br />

8.005: And what man he myghte be of many man I asked.<br />

8.006: Was nevere wight as I wente that me wisse kouthe<br />

8.007: Where this leode lenged, lasse ne moore —<br />

8.008: Til it bifel on a Friday two freres I mette,<br />

8.009: Maistres of the Menours, men of grete witte.<br />

8.010: I hailsed hem hendely, as I hadde ylerned,<br />

8.011: And preide hem, pur churite, er thei passed ferther,<br />

8.012: If they knewe any contree or costes [aboute]<br />

8.013: Where that Dowel dwelieth — "Dooth me to witene;<br />

8.014: For [ye] be men of this moolde that moost wide walken,<br />

8.015: And knowen contrees and courtes and many kynnes places —<br />

8.016: Bothe princes paleises and povere mennes cotes,<br />

8.017: And Dowel and Do-yvele, wher thei dwelle bothe.'<br />

8.018: "[Marie!]', quod the Menours, " [amonges us he dwelleth],<br />

8.019: And evere hath, as I hope, and evere shal herafter.'<br />

8.020: "Contra!' quod I as a clerc, and comsed to disputen,<br />

8.021: And seide, "Soothly, Sepcies in die cadit iustus.<br />

8.022: Sevene sithes, seith the Book, synneth the rightfulle,<br />

8.023: And whoso synneth,' I seide, " [certes] dooth yvele, as me<br />

thynketh,<br />

8.024: And Dowel and Do-yvele mowe noght dwelle togideres.<br />

8.025: Ergo he nys noght alwey at hoom amonges yow freres:<br />

8.026: He is outhemhile elliswhere to wisse the peple.'<br />

8.027: " I shal seye thee, my sone,' seide the frere thanne,<br />

8.028: "How seven sithes the sadde man synneth on the day.<br />

8.029: By a forbisne,' quod the frere, "I shal thee faire shewe.<br />

8.030: "Lat brynge a man in a boot amydde a brode watre:<br />

8.031: The wynd and the water and the [waggyng of the boot]<br />

8.032: Maketh the man many tyme to falle and to stonde.<br />

8.033: For stonde he never so stif, he stumbleth if he meve —<br />

8.034: Ac yet is he saaf and sound, and so hym bihoveth;<br />

8.035: For if he ne arise the rather and raughte to the steere,<br />

8.036: The wynd wolde with the water the boot overthrowe,<br />


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