Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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1.111: "Lucifer with legions lerned it in hevene,<br />

1.112: [And was the lovelokest to loke after Oure Lord (one)]<br />

1.113: Til he brak buxomnesse; his blisse gan he tyne,<br />

1.114: And fel fro that felawshipe in a fendes liknesse<br />

1.115: into a deep derk helle to dwelle there for evere.<br />

1.116: And mo thousandes myd hym than man kouthe nombre<br />

1.117: Lopen out with Lucifer in lothliche forme<br />

1.118: For thei leveden upon hym that lyed in this manere:<br />

1.119: Ponam pedem in aquilone, et similis ero Altissimo.<br />

1.120: And alle that hoped it myghte be so, noon hevene myghte hem<br />

holde,<br />

1.121: But fellen out in fendes liknesse [ful] nyne dayes togideres,<br />

1.122: Til God of his goodnesse [garte the hevene to stekie<br />

1.123: And gan stable it and stynte] and stonden in quiete.<br />

1.124: " Whan thise wikkede wenten out, wonderwise thei fellen —<br />

1.125: Somme in eyr, somme in erthe, somme in helle depe;<br />

1.126: Ac Lucifer lowest lith of hem alle:<br />

1.127: For pride that he putte out, his peyne hath noon ende.<br />

1.128: And alle that werchen with wrong wende thei shulle<br />

1.129: After hir deth day and dwelle with that sherewe;<br />

1.130: Ac tho that werche wel as Holy Writ telleth,<br />

1.131: And enden as I er seide in truthe, that is the beste,<br />

1.132: Mowe be siker that hire soules shul wende to hevene,<br />

1.133: Ther Treuthe is in Trinitee and troneth hem alle.<br />

1.134: Forthi I seye, as I seyde er, by sighte of thise textes —<br />

1.135: Whan alle tresors arn tried, Truthe is the beste.<br />

1.136: Lereth it th[u]s lewed men, for lettred it knoweth —<br />

1.137: That Treuthe is tresor the trieste on erthe.'<br />

1.138: "Yet have I no kynde knowynge,' quod I, "ye mote kenne me bettre<br />

1.139: By what craft in my cors it comseth, and where.'<br />

1.140: "Thow doted daffe!' quod she, dulle are thi wittes.<br />

1.141: To litel Latyn thow lernedest, leode, in thi youthe:<br />

1.141: Heu michi quia sterilem duxi vitam iuvenilem!<br />

1.142: <strong>It</strong> is a kynde knowynge that kenneth in thyn herte<br />

1.143: For to loven thi Lord levere than thiselve,<br />

1.144: No dedly synne to do, deye theigh thow sholdest —<br />

1.145: This I trowe be truthe; who kan teche thee bettre,<br />

1.146: Loke thow suffre hym to seye, and sithen lere it after;<br />

1.147: For thus witnesseth his word; worche thow therafter.<br />


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