Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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20.113: And gaderede a greet hoost al agayn Conscience.<br />

20.114: "This Lecherie leide on with laughynge chiere<br />

20.115: And with pryvee speche and peyntede wordes,<br />

20.116: And armede hym in ydelnesse and in heigh berynge.<br />

20.117: He bar a bowe in his hand and manye brode arewes,<br />

20.118: Weren fethered with fair biheste and many a fals truthe.<br />

20.119: With untidy tales he tened ful ofte<br />

20.120: Conscience and his compaignye, of Holy Kirke the techeris.<br />

20.121: Thanne cam Coveitise and caste how he myghte<br />

20.122: Overcome Conscience and Cardinale Vertues,<br />

20.123: And armed hym in avarice and hungriliche lyvede.<br />

20.124: His wepne was al wiles, to wynnen and to hiden;<br />

20.125: With glosynges and with gabbynges he giled the peple.<br />

20.126: Symonye hym s[ue]de to assaille Conscience,<br />

20.127: And preched to the peple, and prelates thei hem maden<br />

20.128: To holden with Antecrist, hir temporaltees to save;<br />

20.129: And cam to the kynges counseille as a kene baroun,<br />

20.130: And kneled to Conscience in Court afore hem alle,<br />

20.131: And garte Good Feith flee and Fals to abide;<br />

20.132: And boldeliche bar adoun with many a bright noble<br />

20.133: Muche of the wit and wisdom of Westmynstre Halle.<br />

20.134: He jogged til a justice and justed in his eere,<br />

20.135: And overtilte al his truthe with "Tak this up amendement.'<br />

20.136: And to the Arches in haste he yede anoon after,<br />

20.137: And tornede Cyvyle into Symonye, and siththe he took the Official:<br />

20.138: For a menever mantel he made lele matrymoyne<br />

20.139: Departen er deeth cam, and a devors shapte.<br />

20.140: "Allas!' quod Conscience, and cryde tho, "wolde Crist of his grace<br />

20.141: That Coveitise were Cristene, that is so kene to fighte,<br />

20.142: And boold and bidynge the while his bagge lasteth!'<br />

20.143: And thanne lough Lyf, and leet daggen hise clothes,<br />

20.144: And armed hym in haste in harlotes wordes,<br />

20.145: And heeld Holynesse a jape and Hendenesse a wastour,<br />

20.146: And leet Leautee a cherl and Lyere a fre man;<br />

20.147: Conscience and counseil, he counted it folye.<br />

20.148: Thus relyede Lif for a litel fortune,<br />

20.149: And priked forth with Pride — preiseth he no vertue,<br />


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