Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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5.259: "Now [but thow repente the rather,' quod Repentaunce, "God lene<br />

thee- nevere]<br />

5.260: The grace on this grounde thi good wel to bisette,<br />

5.261: Ne thyne heires after thee have joie of that thow wynnest,<br />

5.262: Ne thyne executours wel bisette the silver that thow hem levest:<br />

5.263: And that was wonne with wrong, with wikked men be despended.<br />

5.264: For were I a frere of that hous ther good feith and charite is,<br />

5.265: I nolde cope us with thi catel, ne oure kirk amende,<br />

5.266: Ne have a peny to my pitaunce, so God [pyne] my soule in helle,<br />

5.267: For the beste book in oure hous, theigh brent gold were the leves,<br />

5.268: And I wiste witterly thow were swich as thow tellest!<br />

5.268: Servus es alterius, cum fercula pinguia queris.<br />

5.268: Pane tuo pocius vescere, liber eris.<br />

5.269: "Thow art an unkynde creature — I kan thee noght assoille<br />

5.270: Til thow make restitucion' quod Repentaunce,-and rekene with<br />

hem alle.<br />

5.271: And sithen that Reson rolle it in the Registre of hevene<br />

5.272: That thow hast maad ech man good, I may thee noght assoille.<br />

5.272: Non dimittitur peccatum donec restituatur ablatum.<br />

5.273: For alle that han of thi good, have God my trouthe,<br />

5.274: Ben holden at the heighe doom to helpe thee to restitue;<br />

5.275: And who so leveth noght this be sooth, loke in the Sauter glose,<br />

5.276: In Miserere mei, Deus, wher I mene truthe:<br />

5.276: Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti, &c.<br />

5.277: Shal nevere werkman in this world thryve with that thow wynnest.<br />

5.278: Cum sancto sanctus eris construwe me this on Englissh.'<br />

5.279: Thanne weex that sherewe in wanhope and wolde han hanged<br />

hymself<br />

5.280: Ne hadde Repentaunce the rather reconforted hym in this manere:<br />

5.281: " Have mercy in thi mynde, and with thi mouth biseche it,<br />

5.282: For [his] mercy is moore than alle hise othere werkes —<br />

5.282: Misericordia eius super omnia opera eius, &c —<br />

5.283: And al the wikkednesse in this world that man myghte werche or<br />

thynke<br />

5.284: Nis na moore to the mercy of God than in[middes] the see a<br />

gleede:<br />

5.285: Omnis iniquitas quantum ad misericordiam Dei est quasi scintilla in<br />


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