Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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9.070: Madde men and maydenes that helplese were —<br />

9.071: Alle thise lakken Inwit, and loore bihoveth.<br />

9.072: "Of this matere I myghte make a long tale<br />

9.073: And fynde fele witnesses among the foure doctours,<br />

9.074: And that I lye noght of that I lere thee, Luc bereth witnesse.<br />

9.075: "Godfader and godmoder that seen hire godchildren<br />

9.076: At myseise and at myschief and mowe hem amende<br />

9.077: Shul [pre]ve penaunce in purgatorie, but thei hem helpe.<br />

9.078: For moore bilongeth to the litel barn er he the lawe knowe<br />

9.079: Than nempnynge of a name, and he never the wiser!<br />

9.080: Sholde no Cristene creature cryen at the yate<br />

9.081: Ne faille payn ne potage, and prelates dide as thei sholden.<br />

9.082: A Jew wolde noght se a Jew go janglyng for defaute<br />

9.083: For alle the mebles on this moolde, and he amende it myghte.<br />

9.084: "Allas that a Cristene creature shal be unkynde til another!<br />

9.085: Syn Jewes, that we jugge Judas felawes,<br />

9.086: Eyther helpeth oother of that that hym nedeth.<br />

9.087: Whi nel we Cristene of Cristes good [as kynde be]<br />

9.088: As Jewes, that ben oure loresmen? Shame to us alle!<br />

9.089: The commune for hir unkyndenesse, I drede me, shul abye.<br />

9.090: " Bisshopes shul be blamed for beggeres sake;<br />

9.091: He is [jugged] wors than Judas that yyveth a japer silver<br />

9.092: And biddeth the beggere go, for his broke clothes:<br />

9.092: Proditor est prelatus cum Iuda qui patrimonium Christi<br />

9.092: minus distribuit. Et alibi, Perniciosus dispensator est<br />

9.092: qui res pauperum Christi inutiliter consumit.<br />

9.093: He dooth noght wel that dooth thus, ne drat noght God almyghty,<br />

9.094: Ne loveth noght Salomons sawes, that Sapience taughte:<br />

9.094: Inicium sapiencie timor Domini.<br />

9.095: "That dredeth God, he dooth wel; that dredeth hym for love<br />

9.096: And noght for drede of vengeaunce, dooth therfore the bettre.<br />

9.097: He dooth best that withdraweth hym by daye and by nyghte<br />

9.098: To spille any speche or any space of tyme:<br />

9.098: Qui offendit in uno, in omnibus est reus.<br />

9.099: " [Tyn]ynge of tyme, Truthe woot the sothe,<br />

9.100: Is moost yhated upon erthe of hem that ben in hevene;<br />

9.101: And siththe to spille speche, that spire is of grace,<br />

9.102: And Goddes gleman and a game of hevene.<br />


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