Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It

Piers Plowman - Maybe You Like It


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Passus Seventeen<br />

17.001: "I am Spes, a spie,' quod he, "and spire after a knyght<br />

17.002: That took me a maundement upon the mount of Synay<br />

17.003: To rule alle reames therewith — l bere the writ here.'<br />

17.004: "Is it asseled?" I seide. "May men see thi lettres?'<br />

17.005: "Nay.' he seide. "I seke hym that hath the seel to kepe —<br />

17.006: And that is cros and Cristendom, and Crist theron to honge.<br />

17.007: And whan it is asseled so, I woot wel the sothe —<br />

17.008: That Luciferis lordshipe laste shal no lenger!'<br />

17.009: " Lat se thi lettres,' quod I, "we myghte the lawe knowe.'<br />

17.010: He plukkede forth a patente, a pece of an hard roche,<br />

17.011: Whereon was writen two wordes on this wise yglosed;<br />

17.012: Dilige Deum et proximum tuum —<br />

17.013: This was the tixte trewely — I took ful good yeme.<br />

17.014: The glose was gloriously writen with a gilt penne:<br />

17.015: In hiis duobus mandatis tota lex penhet et prophete.<br />

17.016: " Is here alle thi lordes lawes?' quod I. " Ye, leve me,' he seide.<br />

17.017: "And whoso wet cheth after this writ, I wol undertaken,<br />

17.018: Shal nevere devel hym dere, ne deeth in soule greve.<br />

17.019: For though I seye it myself, I have saved with this charme<br />

17.020: Of men and of wommen many score thousand.'<br />

17.021: " He seith sooth,' seide this heraud, " I have yfounde it ofte.<br />

17.022: Lo! here in my lappe that leeved on that charme —<br />

17.023: Josue and Judith and Judas Macabeus,<br />

17.024: Ye, and sixti thousand biside forth that ben noght seyen here!'<br />

17.025: " <strong>You</strong>re wordes arn wonderfulle,' quod I tho. " Which of yow is<br />

trewest,<br />

17.026: And lelest to leve on for lif and for soule?<br />

17.027: Abraham seith that he seigh hoolly the Trinite,<br />

17.028: Thre persones in parcelles departable fro oother,<br />

17.029: And alle thre but o God — thus Abraham me taughte —<br />

17.030: And hath saved that bileved so and sory for hir synnes,<br />

17.031: He kan noght siggen the somme, and some arn in his lappe.<br />

17.032: What neded it thanne a newe lawe to brynge,<br />

17.033: Sith the firste suffiseth to savacion and to blisse?<br />

17.034: And now cometh Spes and speketh, that hath aspied the lawe,<br />

17.035: And telleth noght of the Trinite that took hym hise lettres —<br />

17.036: To bileeve and lovye in o Lord almyghty,<br />


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