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The most nearly-allied form to the above is my newly-proposed<br />

species P. crassifuUiis, which has already been sufficiently discussed.<br />

Then as true ftuitans-iovxn'i, i. e., as probable hybrids with<br />

nntam as one parent, I would place certain continental forms which<br />

present a strong resemblance to deep-water states of P. pohjgoni-<br />

foiius. I can give no detailed account of these in the present place,<br />

as this note is already far too long, but I will remark that P. variifolius<br />

Thore may possibly come under this division of the group.<br />

If continental botanists would carefully examine the waters where<br />

Jlaitans-iovms grow I tliink they would soon be able to detect the<br />

origin of any supposed hybrids between natans and pob/f/onifolius.<br />

Herbarium specimens may serve to suggest such an origin, but the<br />

question can only be solved by careful study of the living plants<br />

and the conditions under which they grow.<br />

It is with diffidence that I venture to suggest that further<br />

evidence is required before tlie Neckar plant can be safely admitted<br />

to be a, Jluitans-fonn at all; judging from the dried specimens of<br />

fruits and foliage I have seen of ''imitiugjluitans," I think it is<br />

probable that we have in these plants one or more good species<br />

whose true position would be between natans and itohjtfonifoUas, and<br />

which probably are not hybrids at all.<br />

Explanation of Plate. — 1. Upper leaves and flowering spike. 2. Lower<br />

leaves ; a, phyllode. 3. Detached stipule bearing a leaf.<br />


By C. W. Hope.<br />

Nephrodium (Lastkea) assamense, n. sp. — Caiidex erect<br />

stipes closely tufted, 8-15 in. long, densely clothed at base with<br />

linear acuminate blackish or brown scales, and furnished above, as<br />

are the rachises, with few or many broad-based long narrow hair-<br />

pointed dark brown scales ; fronds lanceolate or subdeltoid, 9-15 in.<br />

long, 5-7 in. broad, bipinnatifid or bipiunate towards base of pinna,<br />

towards apex suddenly diminishing in width, lowest pair of pinnae<br />

sometimes nearly as long as next pair, major pinnje distant 4-6<br />

pairs pinnae patent or much inclined upwards, lanceolate, acumi-<br />

;<br />

nate, sometimes broadest at base, but there sometimes much<br />

narrowed, lowest hardly ever at all unequal-sided, and hardly more<br />

compound than others, pinnatifid to a winged rachis into oblong<br />

subspatulate segments ^1^ in. long by ^-f in. wide, somewhat cut<br />

away on upper side and decurrent on rachis on lower side, bluntly<br />

rounded and sharply toothed at point, rarely slightly pinnatifid at<br />

base in largest specimens ; segments subentire, with teeth on both sides<br />

or distinctly lobcd, one lobe to each group of veins with a sharp<br />

sometimes double tooth ; texture herbaceous, both surfaces glabrous ;<br />

veins, except costa, rarely visible on upper side, but all very distinct<br />

against the light, forked or pinnate in the lobes, bipiunate in lowest<br />

lobes, all terminatiug within the margin, fertile veinluts often much

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