The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...

The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...

The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...


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74<br />

Graffiti, Eamesside, 14, 24, 63; of Paraemheb, 65, 69 ; of<br />

Seti, 24 ; of Userh<strong>at</strong>, 24 ; of Ptaheml.ieh, 25.<br />

H<strong>at</strong>aai, cliief scribe, 45.<br />

H<strong>at</strong>hor, goddess, 9, 40 ; wui sLiip of, Gi ; cow of, 37, 66,<br />

69; slirine of, 36, 63.<br />

H<strong>at</strong>shepsu, queen, <strong>temple</strong> of, 22.<br />

Hawara, <strong>temple</strong> of (labyrinth), 29.<br />

Heb-sed (see SeJ-festival) ;<br />

costume of, 60; st<strong>at</strong>ues, 26, 60.<br />

Henhenit, princess, 8; tomi), sarcophagus, coflin, and<br />

mummy of, 50.<br />

lli-l ka, "bouse of the ka," i'J, 37.<br />

Hez neter, hi. and iiebti name of Neb-hepet-Ea II., 7, 33.<br />

Horsiiiset, burial of, 47.<br />

Hypostylc Hall, 35.<br />

Ka, house of the, 19, 37 ; sanctuary of the, 35, 59.<br />

Karnak, discoveries <strong>at</strong>, 57; the list of, 1.<br />

Kauit, princess, 8 ; tomb (No. 9) and sarcophagus of, 48,<br />

54.<br />

Kemsit, princess, 8 ;<br />

49, 53, 55 ; wall painting of, 49.<br />

Kereri, treasurer, 6.<br />

Kkeker-oniament, 40.<br />

Kheti (*Ekhtai), chanc<strong>el</strong>lor, 7, 40.<br />

Legrain, M., discoveries of, 57.<br />

Leyden, st<strong>el</strong>e of, 2.<br />

tomb (No. 10) and sarcophagus of,<br />

Limestone constructiijii, 20 ; walls, 20; sarcophagi, 45,<br />

48.<br />

Magazines, 30, 39.<br />

Magic, funerary, 54.<br />

Magn<strong>at</strong>es, processions of, 40.<br />

Manetho, on the Xlth Dynasty, 1.<br />

Mariette, discoveries of, 11.<br />

Masi, treasurer, 6.<br />

Maspero, Prof., 1 ; discoveries of, 12.<br />

Meu-asut, name of a <strong>The</strong>ban pyramid, 11.<br />

Mentiu, Bedouins, 5.<br />

Mentu, worship of, <strong>at</strong> <strong>Deir</strong> <strong>el</strong>-Babari, 57.<br />

Mentuhetep kings, 1 ff. ; prince, 7.<br />

Merit-Amon, queen, 64.<br />

Merit-Ea, queen, 64.<br />

Mersegret, goddess, 9.<br />

Mertisen (Senmerti), sculptor, 40.<br />

Meru, ofScial, 4.<br />

Mod<strong>el</strong>s, wooden, placed in tombs, 43 ff. ; of cofifins, 49, 50.<br />

Monastery of St. Phoebammon, 18.<br />

Mummies, of Kemsit, 49 ; of Henhenit, 50 ;<br />

l<strong>at</strong>er, 16.<br />

Neb-hepefc-Ea I. (Mentulietep II.), king, 3; "house " of,<br />

10; worslaip of, 57.<br />

INDEX.<br />

Neb-hepct-Ea II. (Mentuhetep III.), king, 3, 33.<br />

"Neb-hetep," king (?), 3, 9.<br />

Neb-taui-Ea (Mentuhetep I\'.). king, 3, 4, 8.<br />

Nefer-renpitu, name of building (?), 19.<br />

Nekht, treasurer, 6.<br />

Nekhtnobtepnefer Antef, king, 2.<br />

Nezem, scribe, st<strong>at</strong>ue of, 36, 63.<br />

Niche of the c<strong>el</strong>la, 35.<br />

North Court, 20.<br />

North cross-wall, 19.<br />

North lower colonnade, 21 ; pavement<br />

35.<br />

Nubomari, name, 62.<br />

Nubkhas, queen, pyramid of, 29.<br />

Offerings in <strong>temple</strong>, 59.<br />

Osiride st<strong>at</strong>ues, 60; of Amenhetop I., 26.<br />

Ostraka, 16.<br />

Painting, in tomb, 49 ;<br />

Paraemheb, graffito of, 65, 69.<br />

Paser, vizier, st<strong>at</strong>ues of, 33.<br />

of, 25; r<strong>el</strong>iefs of,<br />

of rehefs, 41.<br />

P<strong>at</strong>hological condition in a skull, 44.<br />

Pavements, 25.<br />

Petrie, Prof., 1.<br />

Pit-tombs, 43 ff.<br />

Pl<strong>at</strong>form of <strong>temple</strong>, 21<br />

Plandering, ancient, 48.<br />

Pottery of Xlth Dynasty, 27.<br />

Priestesses of H<strong>at</strong>hor, 8, 30.<br />

Princesses, names of, 8 ; tombs<br />

53 ff.<br />

Processions, r<strong>el</strong>iefs of, 40.<br />

" Proto-Doric " columns, 22.<br />

Ptahemheb, graffito of, 25.<br />

of, 47 ff. ; sarcophagi of,<br />

Pyramid-tomb of Nebhetep-Eil (Akh-asut), 10; intact in<br />

reign of Eameses IX., 10; pyramid-base of <strong>temple</strong>,<br />

discovery of, 28 ;<br />

construction<br />

of, 29 ; sham, of Queen<br />

Tetashera, 30; names of pyramids, 11.<br />

Qa-shuti, " golden- liawk " name of Neb-liepet-Ea 1., 3.<br />

Quarrying of ancient <strong>temple</strong>s (suda), 16.<br />

Quarry-marks (?), 19.<br />

Eameses II., restor<strong>at</strong>ions by 24, 65.<br />

Eamp, of Xlth Dynasty <strong>temple</strong>, 22 ; excav<strong>at</strong>ion of, 26<br />

XVIIIth Dynasty (?), 19.<br />

B<strong>el</strong>iefs, in situ, 22, 25 ; of upper colonnade, 27 ; of<br />

chap<strong>el</strong>s, 32, 40 ; of Western Court and c<strong>el</strong>la, 35, 40;<br />

of warriors, processions, cte., 39, 40; style of , 32, 41 ;<br />

of forehall, 36 ; of H<strong>at</strong>hor-shrine, 65 ; <strong>at</strong> Abilsir, 40.<br />

Eobberies of tombs under XXth Dynasty, 10.<br />


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