The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...

The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...

The XIth dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari .. - NYU | Digital Library ...


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Rubbish overlying <strong>temple</strong>, character of, 15.<br />

Ruten-reru, Semitic people, 40, 69.<br />

Sadhe, princess, 8, 31 ; r<strong>el</strong>iefs of, 32, 11.<br />

Salt pavement, 29.<br />

Sam-taui, i-a-name of Neb-hepet-Ra 1., 0, 33.<br />

Sanctuary of royal Art, 9, 13, 30, 35.<br />

Sandals found in tomb, 17.<br />

Sandstone construction, 19; bases of walls, 19, 20;<br />

pavement, 35.<br />

Sankh-iib-taui Mentuhetep, king, 3.<br />

Sankhkara Mentuhetep V., king, 3, 8.<br />

Sarcophagi, construction of, 48 ; limestone, 45, 48<br />

alabaster, 52 ; of priestesses, 53 ; of Kauit, 48, 54 ;<br />

of Kemsit, 55 ;<br />

Sebekhetep III., st<strong>el</strong>e of, 58.<br />

ScfZ-festival (hcbscd), 58.<br />

of Henhonit, 56.<br />

Sekha-en-Ea Mentuhetep, king, 3, 68.<br />

Sekhemet, goddess, 40.<br />

Senusert {sec Usertsen).<br />

Set, r<strong>el</strong>ief of the god, 40.<br />

Sethe, Prof., on the Xlth Dynasty, 1.<br />

Seti (Sutkhi), graffito of, 24.<br />

Sham mastabas and pyramids, 30.<br />

Sh<strong>at</strong>t er Eiggala, tablet of the, 7.<br />

Sih<strong>at</strong>hor, prince, 36.<br />

Silver, use of, 44.<br />

Siptah and Bai, inscription of, 33 ; restor<strong>at</strong>ions by, 24.<br />

Sk<strong>el</strong>etons, 43 ff.<br />

Sketches on limestone, 24.<br />

Skulls, 43, 44.<br />

Sobti, ofiBcial, 5, 61.<br />

Sont-trees, ancient, 28<br />

Southern colonnade, 23, 25 ; r<strong>el</strong>iefs of, 25 ; Court, 37 ;<br />

cross-wall, 20, 37 ; temenos-wall, 20, 38.<br />

St<strong>at</strong>ues (hfh-sed) of Neb-liepet-Ra I., 26, 60 ; of Anien-<br />

hetep I., 26, 60 ; ordinary, of Usertsen III., 37, 57.<br />

Steindorff, Prof., on the Xlth Dynasty, 1.<br />

St<strong>el</strong>ae, votive, of XVII Ith Dynasty, 10, 14, 61 ; mention-<br />

ing Akh-asut, 10; commemor<strong>at</strong>ing worship of Neb-<br />

hepet-Eii I., 61 ; worship of H<strong>at</strong>hor, 65.<br />

;<br />

INDKX. 75<br />

St<strong>el</strong>e of .\menmes, 60 ; of Duduaa, 45 ; of Sebekhetep<br />

111. (Karnak), 58; of Usertsen III., 58.<br />

Stonework, of Xlth Dynasty, 20 ; of XVIIIth Dynasty,<br />

20.<br />

Sutkhi {see Seti).<br />

Tamait, princess, 8.<br />

Temenos, 20, 38 ; north wall, 37 ; south wall, 37.<br />

Tetu, priest of Akh-aset, st<strong>el</strong>e of, <strong>at</strong> Abydos, 10, (iO.<br />

Thothmes III., r<strong>el</strong>iefs of, 64 ; pillars of, 17.<br />

Threshold, granite, of E. doorway, 26.<br />

Titi, official of Antef Uahankh, 2.<br />

Tjosrct {sec Zesret).<br />

Tomljs, Xlth Dynasty, 14, 43 ff. ; of princesses, 43 ff.;<br />

" toinl)-sanctuary " of king {see Sanctuary.<br />

Tools, Eamesside, 16, 46.<br />

Trough-pedestals, 34.<br />

Tual-rekhiu, the, 58.<br />

Uah-ankh Antef, king, 1, 3.<br />

U<strong>at</strong>-Ra, deity, 69.<br />

Uazit, goddess, 23.<br />

Unf, burial of, 50.<br />

Upper colonnade (peristyle), 27 ; r<strong>el</strong>iefs of, 27:<br />

Userh<strong>at</strong>, scribe, graffito of, 24 ; st<strong>at</strong>uette of, 51.<br />

Userkhara-nekht, burial of, 45.<br />

Usertsen (Senusert) II., king, 58.<br />

Usertsen III., st<strong>at</strong>ues of, 37, 57 ; st<strong>el</strong>e of, 58.<br />

Ushabtis of Middle Kingdom, 44 ;<br />

Votive offerings, 17 ;<br />

cloths, 61.<br />

of l<strong>at</strong>er period, .50.<br />

Walls, stone, 20, 35, 37 ; brick, 38 ; construction of, 20 ;<br />

wall-painting (in tomb of Kemsit), 49.<br />

Western Court, 35.<br />

Wooden beams, 48 ; planks, 26 ; sont-viood, 28.<br />

Zanefer (Tjanefcr), st<strong>el</strong>e, pyramidion, and votive cloth<br />

of, 61.<br />

Zeser-zesru-Amon, name of <strong>temple</strong> of H<strong>at</strong>shepsu, 10.<br />

Zesret (Tjesret), name of <strong>Deir</strong> <strong>el</strong>-<strong>Bahari</strong>, 9, 10.<br />


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