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rate as circumstances and the means of the Court will<br />

allow.<br />

First comes the Court of the Tabernacle, which was a<br />

rectangular enclosure, 150 feet long from East to West<br />

(if the cubit be taken to have been IS inches), and 75<br />

feet wide, from North to South. It was funned (except<br />

the gate or entrance) by curtains of white linen, 74- feet<br />

high, supported by pillars of acacia-wood, set in brass<br />

sockets, and with hooks and fillets of silver. There<br />

.were of these pillars, 20 on the North side, 20 in the<br />

South, and 10 in the West. On the East, the white<br />

curtains on each side of the entrance measured 224 feet,<br />

and were supported by three pillars on each side. The<br />

gate itself was :30 feet wide, formed by curtains of<br />

tapestry, of blue, scarlet, purple, and white linen thread,<br />

wrought with admirable skill in needlework.<br />

O—O-<br />

o<br />

Within the Court, the Tabernacle i2£'^S Mishkan,<br />

was set. It was a double tent, the foregoing word par-<br />

ticularly applying to the inner curtains, and ^H^, Ahel,<br />

to the outer curtains of goat's hair. The Tabernacle is<br />

also termed £?!p2, Mikdash, or Sanctuary. It was<br />

constructed of curtains, woven of fine thread, of white<br />

linen, blue, purple, and scarlet, embroidered wdth cheru-

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