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human race! what a history could they not give ot the utrocities<br />

of which man is capable when enslaved bj his feai of the angry<br />

and murderous gods, or changed to a wild beast b) a savage<br />

fanaticism! How have the shrieks of human victims echoed<br />

within the walls of those pagan fanes, and the blood of human<br />

sacrifice flowed over their altars down the sides of the pyramids<br />

of Mexico<br />

How often has the mosque heard Paradise and the hour!<br />

promised as a reward for the slaughter I how often the church<br />

and cathedral rung with the thunder of interdict and excom-<br />

munication, and the frenzied shouts that responded to the fanat-<br />

ical apostles of the Crusades<br />

Sublime Princes, you propose to erect here a Masonic Temple,<br />

and dedicate it to the God of Beneficence and Love. The cardinal<br />

principles of Free Masonry are Charity and Toleration. Accord-<br />

ins to its principles, ambition, rivalry, ill-will, and the jealousies<br />

and disputes of sects, cannot cross the threshold of its sanctuaries<br />

and yet such are the frailties<br />

and enter within their sacred walls ;<br />

and imperfections of man, that they do find entrance there ;<br />

sect<br />

denounces sect, and even borrows of an intolerant church its<br />

weapons to smite down heresies withal.<br />

Into this temple, my brethren, which we are now about to<br />

inaugurate, into this Consistorial Chamber of our beautiful and<br />

beloved Ancient and Accepted rite, let no such unholy visitors<br />

ever intrude ; let ambition and rivalries, jealousies and heart-<br />

burnings, never effect an entrance within its portals! Let its<br />

sacred walls never resound with the -accents of hatred, intoler-<br />

ance, uncharitableness ! Let it be truly a temple of peace and<br />

concord, and not of Pharisaical self-righteousness. Let charity<br />

and<br />

and loving-kindness be ever enthroned between its columns ;<br />

let its members, recognizing every Mason as a brother, hold out<br />

to him the hand of amity and fraternity, and practise here and<br />

everywhere, to their utmost extent, the great, tolerant, generous,<br />

liberal doctrines of our Ancient and Accepted rite..<br />

Persuaded, my brethren, that these are your views and feel-<br />

ings, that your only desire is to advance the prosperity and for-<br />

tunes of Masonry, and to inform and improve yourselves, aud<br />

that it is to this end you seek to establish a point of union, where<br />

you may the more effectually labor for the good of the craft and<br />

art to which we are all loyal ; where you may offer up your lov-

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