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462 BOOK OF TH.S A. AND A. RITE.<br />

I was the just King Alfred of Saxon England ; 1<br />

framed -wise laws, made upright judges, independent<br />

of my will and that of the people, and caused jus/<br />

and speedy judgment to be gi^en. In all my realm,<br />

justice and right were sold to none; denied to none<br />

delayed to none. I slept little ; I wrote much ; }<br />

studied more. I reigned only to bless those ovei<br />

whom I had dominion. I have vanished into th<<br />

thin past, and many ages have marched in solemr<br />

procession by my grave, yet I still live in the mem-<br />

*****<br />

I was Socrates, the Athenian ; I knew the holy<br />

ory of men. They call me great king, wise law-<br />

giver, just judge ; follow, then, my example, or shud<br />

der to sit in judgment on thy fellows.<br />

mysteries, and reverenced God in nature. In the<br />

sacred groves of Athens, I taught to young and old<br />

that God was one, and the soul of man immortal.<br />

I taught obedience to the laws and decrees of the<br />

people of Athens, and the council of five hundred.<br />

When I sat in the court of the Areopagus, I swore<br />

by the paternal Apollo, by Ceres, and by Jupiter the<br />

King, that I would sentence uprightly and according<br />

to law—or, when the law was silent, to the best of<br />

my judgment ; and that I would not receive gifts, nor<br />

should any other for me ; nor receive bribes from<br />

any passion, prejudice, or affection ; nor allow any<br />

other person to do the like by any means, whether<br />

direct or indirect, to prevent justice in the court.<br />

And when, by an unjust judgment, the same court

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