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nate, according to their stations ; and to submit to the decision<br />

and awards of your brethren in any case where the constitution<br />

or principles of the order require it.<br />

III. You promise to avoid disputes and quarrels ; to be modest<br />

in your behavior and carnage ; courteous to all men, and faithful<br />

to your Lodge and brethren, and carefully to refrain from intem-<br />

perance and excess.<br />

IV. You promise hospitably to treat and courteously to receive<br />

all brethren, and to discountenance impostors and all who seek<br />

to disturb the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite.<br />

V. You agree to diffuse and disseminate the principles of our<br />

order ; to pay due homage to the Supreme Council, and strictly to<br />

conform to all edicts emanating therefrom that are not subversive<br />

of the principles and ground-work of the Ancient and Accepted<br />

Scottish rite.<br />

VI. You admit that it is not in the power of any man or<br />

body of men to make innovations in the essential and fundamental<br />

principles of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite.<br />

VII. You promise to attend regularly the meetings of your<br />

Lodge, and to instruct and counsel the brethren ; that you will<br />

faithfully and punctually perform all your duties as Grand Master,<br />

and that you will never open or close your Lodge without<br />

giving a lecture, or some portion tbereof, for the instruction of<br />

the brethren.<br />

VIII. You admit that no new Lodge of Perfection can be<br />

formed without permission of the Supreme Council, or a Deputy<br />

Inspector-General in a country where there is no Consistory, and<br />

that no countenance should be given to an irregular Lodge, or to<br />

any person initiated therein.<br />

IX. You admit that no person can be regularly allowed to<br />

receive any degree in a Lodge of Perfection, or admitted a<br />

member of the same, without previous notice and due inquiry<br />

into his character, nor unless he be a Master Mason, in good<br />

standing.<br />

X. You agree that no visitor shall be received into your Lodge<br />

without due examination and proof of his title to be so, unless he<br />

is personally known as a Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime<br />

Mason, to some member of your body.<br />

These are the regulations of the Ancient and Accepted Scot-<br />

tish rite. Do you submit to these charges and promise to sup-

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