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.0:14 BOOK OF THE A. AND A. UITE.<br />

liither to inaugurate this Temph, which the Supreme Council<br />

desires to dedicate to the God of Beneficence.<br />

Or.'. Com:, (rising). Is it your pleasure, Sublime Princes and<br />

Commanders, that this Temple shall be inaugurated V<br />

All. It is.<br />

Qr.\ Com.: Sublime Princes, the world is filled with the ruins<br />

of temples, erected by the ancients to their imaginary deities. In<br />

Egypt, India, Ethiopia, and Chaldea, the lover of antiquity and<br />

the eager student gaze enraptured on the huge remains of mighty<br />

edifices sorely stricken by the relentless hand of time, in which,<br />

when they stood in all their splendor and glory in that East,<br />

teeming with the hosts of its mighty population, Atiiomox and<br />

Ammon, Brahma and Buddah, Totii and Bael were worshipped<br />

The great cavern temples of Elephanta, Salsette,<br />

Carnac, Luxor, and Thebes, still remain to astound us with<br />

their vastness. The sculptured columns of an hundred fanes<br />

builded to the gods of Olympus, and enriched with all that was<br />

rare and wondrous in architecture, painting, and statuary, still<br />

remain, some standing and some fallen and broken on the classic<br />

soil of Greece. The artist is familiar with the great temples<br />

reared to the gods in Rome ; and the ruins of Etruscan sanctu-<br />

aries still tempt the antiquarian.<br />

While Hiram worshipped in the Temple of Belus, builded by his<br />

ancestors in his royal city of Tyre, Solomon, whom masonry<br />

claims for its Grand Master, erected the first Temple at Jerusalem,<br />

believing that the infinite and omnipotent God would come<br />

down and dwell therein, and utter his oracles from between the<br />

extended wings of the cherubim on the mercy-seat ; whither the<br />

priests repaired to consult the Shekina, or oracle of God.<br />

The Mahometan rears his mosques, the children of Israel their<br />

synagogues, and the Christian his churches, devoted to the wor-<br />

ship and disputes of an hundred sects. To adorn the cathedrals of<br />

the great Catholic world, the arts contributed their most glorious<br />

works ; and there the great productions, of the genius of Angelo<br />

and Raphael, and many other immortal painters and sculptors,<br />

yet remain unapproachable in beauty and sublimity, to be imi-<br />

tated and copied, but never to be equalled.<br />

If the shattered columns and mouldering walls of pagan tem-<br />

ples, if the arches and vaults of mosque and church and cathe-<br />

dral could speak, what lessons could they not teach to tht

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