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To the Grand Chancellor.<br />

547<br />

Sublime Prince , you have been elected to the office<br />

of Grand Chancellor of this Consistory. You are the constitutional<br />

and legal adviser of the Commander-in-Chief, and to you<br />

he looks for counsel. It is your duty to prepare all accusations<br />

against Masons charged with the commission of offences against<br />

our laws. You will inspect and sign all diplomas, briefs, patents,<br />

letters of constitution, and certificates, and see that they are in<br />

due form and contain the necessaiy conditions. It is therefore<br />

indispensable that you should be familiar with the constitution,<br />

regulations, laws, statutes, institutes, and forms of the order. In<br />

the absence of the Grand Minister of State you will perform his<br />

duties, and you must therefore acquaint yourself with the history,<br />

doctrine, and philosophy of Masonry, that you may be prepared<br />

to do so. And finally, it is your duty to conduct all proper cor-<br />

respondence with other Consistories and foreign Masonic bodies.<br />

I hope you may so perform these varied and important duties as<br />

to earn for yourself honor, and benefit this Consistory and the<br />

order. You will please be seated at my left.<br />

To the Grand Secretary.<br />

Sublime Prince, , you have been elected to the office<br />

of Grand Secretary of this Consistory. It will be your duty to<br />

take charge of all papers and proceedings to be laid before the<br />

Consistoiy, and present them in due time ; to turn over to the<br />

Grand Keeper of the Seals such as are proper to be kept among<br />

the archives ; to enter and record in the Book of Gold all the<br />

proceedings, deliberations, decisions, and decretals of the Consis-<br />

toiy ; to conduct all correspondence with the Bodies and indi-<br />

vidual Masons under its jurisdiction ; to prepare and sign all<br />

diplomas, briefs, patents, letters of constitution and certificates,<br />

submitting them to the Grand Chancellor for examination, and<br />

procuring them to be sealed by the Grand Keeper of the Seals,<br />

and signed by the necessaiy officers ; to receive all moneys due<br />

the Consistoiy from all sources whatever, and give duplicate<br />

receipts therefor, and to pay the same over to the Grand Treas-<br />

to keep regular account of all such receipts and payments,<br />

urer ;<br />

with such other duties as of right and by prescription to the office<br />

of Grand Secretary do belong. These varied and important du-

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