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come the duty of each and every member of the Lodge t ~> labor<br />

unceasingly for its success.<br />

The work of the Lodge must not be confiued to the mere ceremony<br />

of opening and closing and conferring of degrees, but<br />

should be devoted to mutual instruction, to the cultivation of the<br />

social feelings, and of brotherly kindness, and to the practice ot<br />

earnest beneficence and charity.<br />

Morally, the work of a Lodge of Perfection extends far beyond<br />

mutual relief and assistance : the field of its exertions is not in-<br />

cluded within the four walls of a Lodge, nor limited by the circle<br />

of the brethren ;<br />

it is society, the countiy, the world.<br />

Intellectually, its work is not confined to dry and lifeless for-<br />

mulas or trivial interpretations, but includes the profoundest<br />

philosophical instructions in regard to the great mysteries of God<br />

and nature.<br />

If these, my brethren, are your views of the works and purposes<br />

of Masonry, kneel with us, and let us beseech our Father<br />

who is in Heaven, to prosper this work and bless all our labors<br />

with success.*****<br />

PRAYER.<br />

Great Architect of the Universe, Creator, and Preserver of the<br />

world, teach us our duties as Masons and as men ! Incline our<br />

hearts and strengthen our hands to perform them, and make our<br />

work, faithfully done, effectual to the benefit of our order, of so-<br />

ciety, of our countiy, and of universal humanity.<br />

Give us wisdom to judge what is proper and becoming for us<br />

to do, and may this Lodge which we are no^ about to inaugurate<br />

and consecrate, be and continue an active and efficient instrument<br />

in relieving human suffering, dispelling ignorance, eradicating<br />

error, and promoting the happiness of men. Amen.<br />

Omne*. So mote it be.<br />

All rise and are seated.<br />

Com.-in-C. Illustrious Grand Master of Ceremonies, you wU<br />

cause the members of the Lodge of Perfection to assemble round<br />

the Altai- of Incense to take the general oath of fealty and alle-<br />


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