bioreactor studies of heterologous protein production by ...

bioreactor studies of heterologous protein production by ...

bioreactor studies of heterologous protein production by ...


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stiU deleted hm the plasmid. Such plasmid-bearhg tells can pw in YNB selective<br />

medium but are not able to produce glucoamylase. Therefore, afar severai Wers on<br />

the agar slants containhg YNB selective medium, recombinant ceUs will gradudy lose<br />

their ability to produce giucoamylase. In order to overcome this problem, maltose<br />

selective solid agar medium (medium V) was used to select and maintain this recombinant<br />

strain. Since the host celi strain C468 camh a mutation blocking the utilhion <strong>of</strong><br />

maltose as carbon source. the presence <strong>of</strong> the plasmid which contains the glucoarnylase<br />

gene is neccssary for the host ails to grow on maltose. The maltose seleaive medium<br />

imposes double seleetion pressure (Iack <strong>of</strong> leucine and the use maltose as carbon source).<br />

Only cek that contain plasmids with both LEU2 and giucoamyiase genes are able to grow<br />

on the maltose selective medium ïndependentiy. In the screening process, ceb hm the<br />

original strain were diluted in sterile water to obtain individual colonies and then the<br />

diiuted celi solution was spread ont0 aga plates containhg maltose selective medium to<br />

obtain individual colonies. Each colony fomed on the above agar plates contained both<br />

LEU2 and glucoamyhse genes. Such screened colonies are refemd to as the selected<br />

strain. Th.& screening process was camed out every thne months and the selected<br />

recombinant cek were rnaintained on the maltose selective solid agar medium in order to<br />

keep the biological characteristics invariant

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