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PAS 87<br />

were still to remain at her disposal, IInless there was<br />

some provision Inade to the contrary in the marriage<br />

contract.<br />

Para-phrase, s. from 7rapa, para, ncar to, similar, and<br />

eppao"LS, phmsis, a speeeh. An interpretation according<br />

to the sense, and not merelr according to the words.<br />

Para-site, s. from 7rapa, para, with, and crtTOS, sitos, corn,<br />

was the title given br the Greeks to those who had<br />

the'care of the corn used in loeligious ceremonies;<br />

and who had a share of the sacrifice at the altar:<br />

afterwards it ,,;as applied to those who frequented<br />

the tables of great men, and earned their welcome br<br />

flatterr. Pamsite plants are those which grow upon<br />

othcrs. ___<br />

..Par-cnthesis, s. from 7rapa, para, between, EV, en, into,<br />

.. and ·nen,.,.', tithilmi, I place; that is, the act of pntting<br />

) between. A sentence so included in another sentence,<br />

' __us that it tuay be taken out without injuring the sense<br />

'if that which incloses it. In speaking, parentheses<br />

are to be pronounced in a different tone; and in<br />

writing, they arc marked thus (), to distinguish them<br />

from the rest of the discourse.<br />

Parish, s. frqm 7rapolKta.} paroi/cia, ,tlIe union of neighbouring<br />

houses. Our realm was first divided into<br />

parishes by Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury,<br />

ill the year of our Lord 636: the word has the same<br />

origin as Parochial. See OIKEO, p. 22.<br />

Par-od)', s. Sec Amno, p. I.<br />

Par-OIl)'mOUS, acij. See ONOMA, p. 22.<br />

Paroxysm, s. from '1l"~PO~VO'fWS, paroxusmos, irritation.<br />

The periodical exacerbation or increase of a disease.<br />

Paschal, adj, from 1racrxa, pasclza, a passage. Relating<br />

to the .Jewish pa~sovcr. It is called Easter, in<br />

Englisb, from the goddess Eastre, worshipped by the<br />

Saxons with peculiar ceremonies in the month of<br />

April. - Pasch-egg, is all egg d~'etl or stained, pre..<br />

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