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GAM 65<br />

Ex~ergllc, s. from E~, eot, from or out of, and epi'oJl, (fr..<br />

g~n, a work. The space between the work and the<br />

edge of a medal, on which the inscription is usually<br />

pnt.<br />

Ex-odus, s. from fE, ex, from or out of, and DUOS, od~s,<br />

a way. A departurc from a place. The second<br />

book of Moses is so called, because it descri"es the<br />

journey of the Israelites out of Egypt.<br />

Ex-orcise, v. a. from EC;t ex, out of, and OpICft"', t1rkizo, I<br />

abjure. To deliver from the inflnence of evil spirits<br />

by re]igious rites.<br />

Exotics, $. (rmn E~CI)Tl«OS, exotik'Us, foreign. Plants<br />

brought from a foreign country, or produced in it.<br />

F.<br />

FANTASY, $. from ¢CWTuCflU, phantasia, an appearance.<br />

Something imaginar~" subsisting only in the fane)'.<br />

G.<br />

GALAXY, s. from oya;>'a, gala, milk. A stream of light<br />

in the sky, so called from its white appearance. The<br />

"galaxy or milky way is composed of an infinite number<br />

of stars.<br />

Gamut, Gammut, s. The scale of musicaluotes. Guy<br />

of Arezzo, who reformed the church music about the<br />

year ] O~4, composed a musical scale with these six<br />

words, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, lao Afterwards he placed<br />

on the side of these notes, the following seven letters,<br />

A, B, C, D, E, F, G. And by reason that IlC placed<br />

the letter G (called ill Greek gamma) on the note<br />

which he Ilad added to his ancient system, the whole<br />

scale was therefore denominated, as it is to this dn)'J<br />

gamut. [Query. I 'Vas it not gamma."t?]<br />

G :3

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