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CLE<br />

a term applied to a species of music which proceed.<br />

by several semi-tones and minor thirds. 'Why it<br />

received tills denomination is not very clear. "Xp",p.a<br />

(chrama) may, perhaps, not only signify a colow', but<br />

that shade ofa colour by which it melts into another,<br />

or what the French call nuance. Ifthis interpretation<br />

be admitted, it will be highly applicable to scmitoncs;<br />

which, being the smallest inten'al allowed in the<br />

diatonic scale, will most easily run into another. If<br />

(Ellcy.Brit.) "The ch""matic species of music is<br />

admirably fitted to express grief and affliction."<br />

Chromato-graphy, S', Sec GRAPHE, p. 10.<br />

Chronic, adj. from Xpovos, c/wonos, timc. A tenn<br />

applied to diseases which continue a long time.­<br />

The word Chronicle has the same origin.<br />

Chrono-gram, s. See GRAl\UIA, p. 9.<br />

,Chrono-Iogy, s. Sec LOGOS, p. 13.<br />

Chrono-meter, s. See l\1ET""O, p. 19.<br />

Chrysalis, s. from Xpvuos, chrusos, gold. \In natural<br />

history, a state of rest and seeming iuscnsibility,<br />

which butterflies, and several other kinds of insects,<br />

must pass through' before they arrive attheir wingeu<br />

or most perfect state. Many of the butterfly species<br />

appear superbly clothed in gold. These elegant species<br />

have obtained the names Chrysalis and Aurelia,<br />

which are deriveu from the Greek and Latin words,<br />

signifying gold; and from these all other bodies of<br />

the same kind have been called by the same name,<br />

though less or not at aU entitled to them•<br />

...J' Chryso-preia, s. from xplJdOr, cllrusos, gold, and 1rOfEW,<br />

powii, 1 make. The supposed artof making gold.<br />

Chyle, s. from XVAos, cllldils, jniee or liqnid. The<br />

milk-like fluid formed in the stomach by digestion,<br />

anu afterwarus changed into bloou.<br />

Clepsyura, s. from 1

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