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SOP 97<br />

through diversity of opinions mnong people of the<br />

same religion and faith. Thus the Romanists bestow<br />

the name of English schism on the reformation of<br />

religion in this kingdom. Those of the church of<br />

England again apply the term schism to the separa.<br />

tion of the Nonconformists; viz. the Preshyterians,<br />

Independents, and Baptists, who contend for a farthcr<br />

reformation.<br />

School, s. axol\:rr, sclz'6Ze, case, leisure, freedom from<br />

lnhour; "a school, i. e. a place or huilding where<br />

persons, being at leisure from hodily labour and<br />

business, attend to the improvement of the Inind.<br />

The word occurs in Acts xix. 9. The Greek writers<br />

in like manner use this. word for the Schools of the<br />

Philosophers." - Parkhurst.<br />

Sidero-graphy, s. from C1&811POS, sider'lJs, iron, or steel.<br />

(See GRAPHO, p. 10.) Engraving on steel.<br />

Simony, s. The act of buying or selling a church preferment,<br />

so termed from Simon the Sorcerer, who<br />

wished to buy of St. Peter the gift of conferring the<br />

Holy Ghost. See Acts, viii. 18.<br />

Skeptic, s. from CfKE'Tf''Top.al, skept'6mai, I look round<br />

about. One who doubts or pretends to doubt of<br />

. every thing.<br />

Solecism, s. from (fo"A.olK'o-jJ.O~, solOikismosJ an impropriety<br />

in la:nguage. A DARBAnIsn may be in one word, a<br />

SOLECIS>t must be in more. The SOLI, a people of<br />

Greece, lost the purity of their ancient tongue, and<br />

became ridiculons to the Athenians for their impro_<br />

prietics of speech; hence originated the expression.<br />

The termination ismos. marks" imitation. U<br />

Sophist, s. from O'oepos, s~ph~s, wise, or O'OeplO'T'1S, s~pllist'iiJ,'<br />

an impostor or deceiver. A person who frames<br />

sophisms; that is, subtile argnments, with design to<br />

deceive those liC would persuade or convince.<br />

The term sophist, which is now reproachful, was<br />

nr.ciently honourable; it signified a rhelor, or professor<br />


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