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PDF - Cunningham Memorial Library


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MAT 75<br />

,Mano-scope, s. See SKOTEO, p. 27<br />

Marty,r, s. See MARTua, p. 19.<br />

Mateo-techny, s. See TECIINE, p. so.<br />

~l\I~~ih-orama, S., See DRAMA, p. 23. [llfarinus is a<br />

" ,..Latin word, and signifies belonging to the sea.]<br />

r""'::" :Mathematics, s. from f'cdJ1]';.tet, '11wth2ma, a science.<br />

The science which contemplates whatever is capable<br />

of being numbered or mcasured. Mathematics is<br />

commonly distinguished into Speculative and Prac-<br />

,tical,. Pure and Mixed. Speculative :Uathcmatics<br />

simply considers the properties of things; and Practical<br />

l1Iatllematics applies the knowledge of those<br />

:. - properties to some uses in life.<br />

Pure l1Iathematics is that branch which considers<br />

quantity abstractedly", and without any relation to<br />

matter or bodies, as Arithmetic and Geometry.<br />

'l1fixed l1Iatllematics, considers quantity as subsisting<br />

in material being; for instance, length in a pole,<br />

depth in a l'iver, height in a tower, &c.-Pure l1Iathe­<br />

-malics, again, either considers quantity as abstract or<br />

discrete t (these words are synonymous in this sense),<br />

and so computable, as Arithmetic; or as concrctef,<br />

" Abstraction is formed from the Latin words, abs,<br />

from, and traho, I draw. It is that operation of the<br />

Inind, whereby we separate things naturally existing<br />

together; and form and consider ideas of things thus<br />

separated. •<br />

ri" Discrete is from dis, a particle denoting separation,<br />

and cerno (of which the participle is cretus), I consider.<br />

'V:hen we speak of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, without<br />

applying them to any thing, they arc called discrete,<br />

Of, morc usually, abstract numbers; but if we say 2<br />

men, S womell, 4 boys, and so on, 2, 3, '4, become<br />

conC"cle numbers.<br />

* Concrete is from con, with or togcther, and (;erno.<br />

Sec the prcceding note.<br />

H 2

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