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D!A 55<br />

- Deutero-nomy, s. Sec NOMOS, p. 21.<br />

Diadem, s. from 0,,,01)1-''', di"diJma, a mark of royalty<br />

worn on the head.<br />

})i-reresis,from lim:, dia, asunder, and atpew, aireo, I<br />

take. The disjunction 01' separation of letters, as in<br />

the word "erial. The act of dividing.<br />

Diagnosis, ,so from ota:YWCc.lO'KW, diaginosko, I know<br />

thoroughly, signifies the distinction of the nature of<br />

one disease from that of another resembling it, by<br />

means of a collected view of the symptoms. Sec<br />

PnOGNOsIS.<br />

\<br />

Dia-gonal, s. See GONIA, p. 9.<br />

Dia-gram, s. Sec GRA]IMA, p. 9.<br />

Dialect, s., from O,a~EI('TOS, diaa!kt~s, a dialect, which is<br />

_from the verb O',,7I.E'YOf'''I, diareg~mai, I discourse.<br />

T!,e peculiar language of some province, or part of<br />

a nation,. formed by corruption of the general or<br />

national language. In Great Britain, almost every<br />

county has a dialect of its own; all differing considerably<br />

in pronunciation,_accent, and tone, though<br />

the language is the same.<br />

Dialeetics,~. (S~e DIALECT.) That branch of logic<br />

which teach~s the rules and Inodc of reasoning.<br />

. Dia-Iogue. Sec LOGOS, p. IS•<br />

.Diu-meter, s. See :lVIETRO, p. 19.<br />

Din-pason, $. from ata, dia, through, and 1rQS, pas, all.<br />

A chord in music including all the tones.<br />

Dia-phanous, adj. from 0,,,, dia, through, and

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