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B n A<br />

B.<br />

BAPTIS'!, s. Sec BArTO, p. 6.<br />

Baro-meter, s. Sec lI1ETItEO, p. 19. New Barometer.<br />

Mr. narth of Strns!mrgh has published his discovery<br />

of a Barometer which will announce every change .of<br />

the weather 30 hours before it happens. This instrument,<br />

which, in the time of Galileo, would perhaps<br />

hnve conducted the inventorinto the prisons of the inlJuisition,<br />

will, it is asserted, give notice of thulltlerstorms<br />

12 hours before they OCcur.<br />

Base, s. from f3o.(nr~ basis, that on which any thing stands,<br />

the lJottOln of any thing; hence used in a figurative<br />

sense, as synonymous with low, mean.<br />

Basis has the same origin as BASE.<br />

naro-scope, $. Sec SKOPEO, p. 27.<br />

Bible, s. from {3'€l\os, bib[('s, or (3,€,\IOV, bibli~n, a book.<br />

The llatnC given to the sacred volume in which UfC<br />

contained the revelations of God. In" similar<br />

manner the Mahometans gh'e the title of Alcora" to<br />

lite book which contains the precepts of their religion.<br />

Alcoran is formed of the Arabic words ai, the, and<br />

kordn, book. It is well to remark that it is as erroneous<br />

to say "The Aleor:m," as it would be to say<br />

"The Thebible." Sec" The Koran, commonly<br />

calle,1 the Alcoran, of l\Iohammed," translated into<br />

English by G. SALE, London, 1734,<br />

Riblio-grapher, s. Sec GItAPnO, p. 10.<br />

!3iblio.mania, s. Sec MANIA, p. 18.<br />

Biblio-theca, s. 1!t7)~7), I"iik;:, a repository. A library.<br />

Bi-gamist, s. Sec GA'IOS, p. 8.<br />

Rio-graphy, s. Sec GnAFno, p. 10. Sec also BIOS, p. G.<br />

Dotan)', s. from (3oTaV7), bolan;:, an herb. That part of<br />

natural history which trents of plants, herbs, and<br />

nowers.<br />

Drachy-graph)', s. Sec GItAFnO, p. 10.

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