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Graauated Series if Englislt Reading-Lesson Books.<br />

on nc~ount of their comhination of simplicity nnd substantialinterest.<br />

The' V1'ose lessons occasionally take a didactic t1Jrn, but without detri~<br />

ment, it is believed, to their entertaining features, and without em·<br />

barrassing the learner with suhtleties of thou~ht or expression. The<br />

Descriptive Travel of the third volume, being' introductory to the<br />

corresponding department in Dooks IV. and V., has reference to<br />

North Europe only. A few technical or scientific expressions, the<br />

usc of which could not well be dispensed ,,,ith, and which rather lie<br />

out of what may be sUPIlosed to be the average rlln~c of tho- pupil'13<br />

knowledge, arc explaiu£:u in brief notes. Th~ Natural History<br />

tonches chiefly on that portion of nnhuateu nature with Which, in<br />

.this country, ,ye are uUin more Of less frequent and familiar contact.<br />

To certain descriptions which nre furnished of the most marvellous<br />

displays of instinct, the Editor attaches, in nn educational point of<br />

view, n high importance. Under the head of History will be found<br />

a series of sketches, freell as much as possible from nIl detail that is<br />

not graphic. These sketches are intended to present a general, fwlimcntnryt<br />

and, as it were, a panoramic view of the more important or<br />

entertaining features of English history, up to the date of the Battle<br />

of Waterloo.<br />

TIOOK the FOURTII, which wus published first on- account of the<br />

more pressin~ demands for such n volume, carries the series a step<br />

in advance in the snme direction, nnd is dcsig-ned for the hi~hest class<br />

of small rural schools. "The contents of the Fourth 13.ook,"<br />

observed a criticnl writer in the Inquirer newspaper, " nre gathered<br />

" from the richest and most varied fields of literature. In the first<br />

(r .:1Iiscellalleous section, we harp, among mnny others, ·the works of<br />

n Herschel, Channin!{, Rusldn, Leigh Hunt, Irving-, Sterne, Charle!)<br />

H Lamb, Gnizot, Scott, and Emerson, bid undcr contribution. In<br />

" the part which treats of Descriptive Travel, we have some of the<br />

"finest word-painting from the works of ParIq'us, 'Varburtont<br />

"Kin~lakc,Hettner, W. Ware, GaUenga, Laing, and Wills. The<br />

" NaturGlllistol'Y is written hy'Yaterton; I{irby, Spence, A. Ran',<br />

" nUcldnnd, Lewes, GonIon Cumming, Livin~stone,and other·natu­<br />

"ralists i whilst the HistoJ'y is gathered from the finest passages in<br />

H the works of Arnold, Macaulay, Hallam, Froutle, Cayendis]l,<br />

" Stanley, H.ussell, Bancroft, Carlyle, and D'lsraeli. The Biography<br />

" and Natural Science and Pltysics arc equally attractive and excel..<br />

" lent. •.. For children of ten years old and upwards there is not a<br />

U selection that is not full of interest, and that is not &Ure to com­<br />

"mand their sympathiN!. The book is onc of the cheapest, as well<br />

TJonelon: LONGMAN, GREEN, anel CO. Paternoster Row.

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