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CHR 47<br />

Ohili-arch, s. Sec ARCHE, p. 5.<br />

Chiliast, s.f,'om X'A,as, eldlias, a thousand. One who<br />

believes that Christ will reign a thousaud years on<br />

earth before the general judgment.<br />

Chimera, $. from X'f'a,pa, chimaira, a goat. See ArrENDIX.<br />

~ _;-, 1/: ..<br />

Chiro-mancy, $. See ArPENIJIX.<br />

Chiro-Iogy, $. 'See LOGos, p. IS.<br />

Chiro-plast, s. frOln X£Lp, chfJ{r, hand) Rnd 7rAC!.r1'ff(J),<br />

plassu, I form j is the name given to n machine elnployed<br />

in order to form the hand for playing the<br />

piano-forte. 0<br />

Chir-urgy,s. The Engtish word surgery is a corruption<br />

of this word. Chirurgy is formed of XElP, eheir, a<br />

hand, and ffYYOV, ergon, a ,"ark, because surgical operations<br />

arc performed by the hand.<br />

Choler, s. from XOA.'I), cll~lii, bile. Passion. The ancients<br />

supposed that °a superabundance of bile produccd a<br />

disposition to anger. Sec lVIELANClIOLV.<br />

Choro-graphy, $. See GRAPIIE, p. 10.<br />

Christ, $. from XP'CTTOS, ehrist6s anointed. Hence used<br />

as a title of Jesus.. The Anointed, The Christ. It<br />

is of the same import as the Hebrew word :MeSsiah.<br />

So St. John expressly informs us. John i. 20., and<br />

iv. 25. ~II. The word Christ somctimes denotes the<br />

Christian. church, or that society of which Christ is<br />

the hcad, as 1 Cor. xii. 12. 27. - III. It denotes 17/C<br />

doctri"e of CIlIist. Eph. iv. 20. - IV. The ben,!!its<br />

ifChrist. Heb. iii. 14. - V. The Christian Spirit {met<br />

Temper. Eph. iii. 17., Gal. iv. 10. Parkllllr.\t.,<br />

Chromatics, s. from xpwl,a, chroma, colour. That part<br />

of optics which explains the several properties of the<br />

colonrs of light, and of natnral bodies. Chromatic is<br />

* ThewonI"Jesus" means Saviour. Seel\Tatt. i. 21.

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