PDF - Cunningham Memorial Library

PDF - Cunningham Memorial Library

PDF - Cunningham Memorial Library


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Graauutea Series qj' English Reaaing-Lessoll Bool·s.<br />

u ns t110 best, that has come under our notice. 'Y'bcommend it ,"cry<br />

" strongly to the attention of every teacher, wllctllCf in our clemen­<br />

".tary schools or in our homes, and earnestly hope it mny attain tIte<br />

I' eml its compiler had in view, of training up some good renders to<br />

,{ cheer and charm the poor man's fireside, nnd to pour the rich<br />

It stream of modern attainment into thirsting, though humble, souls."<br />

'fhe arrangement of the FJFTII BOOK corresponds with thnt of<br />

Dook IV., embracing the same departments of knowledge, but, of<br />

coursc, from n more advanced point of view. The l\liscellancol1s<br />

section 'presents, in ample variety, typical specimens of our best<br />

writers from the Johnsonian era to the present day. The Descriptive<br />

'rravel has reference to those portions of the globe Which, in accordance<br />

with the J:reneral plan, the preceding volumes 11a\'c left un"<br />

touchcd; and its chief aim is to dircct attention to the results of<br />

scientific inquiry with regard to cosmical phenomena in general.<br />

The section on Natuml History has been restricted to the more<br />

interesting examples of fel'ce naturre. The History continues the<br />

thread where it is broken off in Book IV., viz. from 1688 to the present<br />

time, and it necessarily dwells largely on the events which<br />

attended the administration or the acquisition of OUf chief foreign<br />

possessions. The chapters on the English Constitution, with which<br />

this section closes, present a g-eneml tableau of leading- points of<br />

interest and importance. To the division on Natural Science a<br />

series of valuable chapters on the prominent questions connected<br />

witb Social Science is appended.<br />

The l~ive Books of this series are arranged, eaell in corresponding<br />

sections, on a serial and uniform scheme of progressh'e, ret constantly<br />

varied, selections. BOOK the FIRST is adapted to the com·<br />

prehension of clli1dren who hayc mastered the first steps in re~ding.<br />

BOOK the SECO~D contains miscellanies, tales of ml\·cnture, imngi.<br />

n~ti\'e :md real, anccdotes in natural llistor.r, amI baUnt! poctrr,­<br />

011 preliminary to tbe Third Book. BOOK the TlIlnn comprises<br />

literarr selections in prose and verse, dcscriptive trnrel, natural<br />

bistor~r (with reference to the pre,·iolls section), and nnrrati\'cs of<br />

English I,islory. BonK the FounTH, to which tllC Third Book is<br />

intrOductory, is a further extension of the same general plan, with<br />

the addition of a·division on the more popnlar branches o( Natuml<br />

Science and Physics, sequentially arranged. nOOK the FIFTHwhich<br />

completes the Course, forms n furtller advance and a comple,<br />

tion of the general plan, and aims at allsweringthe practical purposes<br />

of a Clnss.Book of later English Literatnre.<br />

London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row.

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