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I<br />

40 ARC<br />

books of the Apocrypha were cxcluded from the list<br />

of canonical books rluringthe first four centuries of<br />

thechurch; therefore hidden from the public. _H It<br />

is generally agreed, that these books were neyer<br />

admitted into the Hebrew canon: they were all com_<br />

posed after the sacred catalogue was closed: there<br />

are none of them to be fouud iu Hebrew, all of them<br />

are in the Greek; except the 2d Book of Esdras, .<br />

which is only in Latin. The Books of the Apocrypha<br />

are admitted to be read (in the church of England)<br />

for' an example of life and instruction of manners, t<br />

according to the language of our 6th article, which<br />

is an expression adopted fronl Jerome. tI - Reet'es's<br />

Bible.<br />

\ po-lague, s. }<br />

1\po-logy, s.<br />

See LOGOS, p. IS. I Ij_ •<br />

Apo-phthegm,s.from a1rO, ap~,from orforth, amI rpOE')ipa,<br />

pllthegma, utterance. A remarkable s(1ying, a valuable<br />

maxim, uttered on some sudden occasion:"<br />

Apo~stacy, s. from ct7rO, apo, from, and lU'J'7]lJl, istemi, I<br />

stand, keep away. A departure from principles once<br />

professed. - Apostate, from ap~stati:s, a deserter.<br />

Apo-slle, s. See STELLa, p. 29.<br />

Apo-~trophe, s. from a:rro,ap'd, from, and (J'TPE~N,litrcph;;,<br />

. I turn. A figure or mode of expression, in which the<br />

speaker breaks off abruptly, and·directs his discourse<br />

to some other person. In grammar, a notc of contraction,<br />

like a comma; as, tho', for though; fov'd, for<br />

loved.<br />

Apo·t1ieosis, s. See THEas, p. SI.<br />

ArICo-meter, s. See :i.\1ETREO, p. 19.<br />

Arche-type, s. See Turos, p. ·S2•.<br />

Archi-grapher, s. Sec GRArHE, p. 10.<br />

Archi-tect, s. from apxos, arcMs, the chief, and 7"

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