Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange

Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange

Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange


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“23 May <strong>2007</strong><br />

The Directors<br />

<strong>Titan</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-1 (<strong>NHP</strong>) <strong>Limited</strong><br />

First Floor, 7 <strong>Exchange</strong> Place<br />

International Financial Services Centre<br />

Dublin 1<br />

Ireland<br />

Issue of £435,850,000 Class A Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£50,000 Class X Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£42,150,000 Class B Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£42,000,000 Class C Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£58,000,000 Class D Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£60,000,000 Class E Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017 and<br />

£50,000 Class V Commercial Mortgage Backed Floating Rate Notes due 2017<br />

Dear Sirs<br />

<strong>Titan</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-1 (<strong>NHP</strong>) <strong>Limited</strong> (the “Company”)<br />

We report on the financial information set out in paragraphs 1 to 2.2 below. This financial information has<br />

been prepared for inclusion in the Offering Circular dated 23 May <strong>2007</strong>. The financial information set out in<br />

this report is based on the non-statutory accounts of the Company for the period from incorporation on 28<br />

March <strong>2007</strong> to 22 May <strong>2007</strong> to which no adjustments were considered necessary.<br />

Responsibility<br />

Such financial statements are the responsibility of the Directors of the Company. The Directors of the<br />

Company are responsible for the contents of the Offering Circular dated 23 May <strong>2007</strong> in which this report is<br />

included. It is our responsibility to compile the financial information set out in our report from the unaudited<br />

non-statutory financial statements, to form an opinion on the financial information and to report our opinion to<br />

you.<br />

Basis of Opinion<br />

We conducted our work in accordance with the Statements of Investment Circular Reporting Standards<br />

issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work included an assessment of evidence relevant to the amounts<br />

and disclosures in the financial information. It also included an assessment of significant estimates and<br />

judgements made by those responsible for the preparation of the financial statements underlying the financial<br />

information and whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the entity’s circumstances, consistently<br />

applied and adequately disclosed.<br />

We planned and performed our work so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we<br />

considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the<br />

financial information is free from material misstatement whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.<br />

Opinion<br />

In our opinion the financial information gives, for the purposes of the Offering Circular dated 23 May <strong>2007</strong><br />

a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 22 May <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Financial Information<br />

1. Balance Sheet at 22 May <strong>2007</strong> *<br />

Current Assets<br />

Euro<br />

Cash 2<br />

Capital and reserves<br />

Share capital 2<br />

Profit and loss reserve —<br />

Shareholders’ funds — equity 2<br />

* See notes in paragraph 2 below.<br />


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