Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange

Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange

Titan Europe 2007-1 (NHP) Limited - Irish Stock Exchange


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Changes in Medical Practice: The method of treatment of patients changes from time to time as medical<br />

practice changes. Such changes may require the Libra Tenants to make changes currently not anticipated, which<br />

they may or may not be able to implement. Inability to remain current with medical practice may impact the<br />

Libra Tenants’ business and, in turn, the Borrower’s ability to meet obligations under the Libra Whole Loan,<br />

and further in turn, may affect the payments on the Notes.<br />

Staff: In common with all health providers, the Libra Tenants face challenges in recruiting and retaining<br />

qualified staff, particularly nurses. This is being countered to some extent by government initiatives to increase<br />

the number of nurses entering or re-entering the profession. However, there can be no assurance that with<br />

increased competition for suitably qualified staff, the Libra Tenants will succeed in recruiting and retaining<br />

staff. The healthcare sector in the United Kingdom currently reduces staffing costs to a certain extent by<br />

employing staff from outside the United Kingdom. However, there can be no assurance current government<br />

policies will not change, and that it will remain possible to make staffing cost savings by employing staff from<br />

outside the United Kingdom.<br />

Occupancy Levels: The supply of and demand for nursing and/or care home beds in the United Kingdom<br />

have both been reduced by, in the case of demand, the so-called ‘Word War I effect’ (a decline in birth rate<br />

during and after World War I resulting in a decrease in demand in the 1990s for care for the elderly) and, in the<br />

case of supply, the imposition of regulatory standards which have resulted in certain beds being closed for noncompliance<br />

with the National Minimum Standards or (in Scotland) National Care Standards. The United<br />

Kingdom Government Actuarial Department predicts an increase in the population over 85 years of age over the<br />

next 30 years. However, there can be no assurance that age-specific dependency rates will remain constant as<br />

life expectancy rises. Instead, as life expectancy rises, the number of years without dependency could rise by<br />

the same amount and therefore, the number of years with dependency would remain constant. Falling overall<br />

demand may be matched by withdrawal of capacity, thus resulting in sustained occupancy levels. However,<br />

there can be no assurance that current levels of occupancy will be sustained.<br />

<strong>Limited</strong> Payment History: The Libra Whole Loan was originated within approximately five months of the<br />

Closing Date. As such, the Libra Whole Loan does not have a long-standing payment history and there can be<br />

no assurance that required payments will be made or, if made, will be made on a timely basis or continue to be<br />

made.<br />

Recent Acquisition of the Properties: The Borrower acquired an indirect ownership in the Properties at<br />

various times prior to the origination of the Libra Whole Loan. Accordingly, the Borrower, its affiliates and its<br />

subsidiaries have limited experience in operating the Borrower Group and/or the Properties and, therefore, there<br />

is a risk that the net operating income and cash flow of the Properties may vary significantly from the<br />

operations, net operating income and cash flow generated by the Properties under prior ownership and/or<br />

management.<br />

Underwriting: The underwriting criteria and procedures of the Loan Arranger were applied when the Libra<br />

Whole Loan was originated. Accordingly, U/W Net Operating Income means cash flow based on rent rolls,<br />

and/or property operating statements provided by the Borrower and its Affiliates, as adjusted, based on a<br />

number of assumptions used by the Loan Arranger. No representation is made that any U/W Net Operating<br />

Income figures and the figures derived therefrom, such as U/W ICR and U/W DSCR, set forth in this Offering<br />

Circular as at the Cut-Off Date or any other date represent future net cash flows. Each investor should review<br />

these assumptions and make its own determination of the appropriate assumptions to be used in determining net<br />

operating income. In addition, U/W Net Operating Income reflects calculations and assumptions used by the<br />

Loan Arranger and should not be used as a substitute for, and may vary (perhaps substantially) from, cash flow<br />

as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as applied with respect to the<br />

Borrower (“GAAP”) as a measure of the results of a Property’s operation or as a substitute for cash flows from<br />

operating activities determined in accordance with GAAP as a measure of liquidity. For example, the U/W<br />

DSCR and U/W ICR set forth in this Offering Circular for the Libra Loan and the Properties vary, and may vary<br />

substantially, from the debt service coverage ratios and the interest cover ratios for the Libra Whole Loan and<br />

the Properties as calculated pursuant to the definition of such ratios as set forth in the related Loan Documents.<br />

No representation is made as to the appropriateness or reasonableness of the assumptions used in<br />

determining U/W Net Operating Income.<br />

There can be no assurance that as a result of the underwriting procedures of the Loan Arranger the Libra<br />

Whole Loan may be more likely to default which in turn could result in losses for Noteholders.<br />


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