2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group

2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group

2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group


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<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Presentation 4<br />

General information 15<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Consolidated <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Directors’ report 150<br />

Extraordinary session <strong>Italcementi</strong> S.p.A. <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Separate financial statements 239<br />

c) an exclusively monetary medium-long term variable component (Long Term Incentive), linked to the<br />

achievement of specific targets, as the previous one.<br />

Having defined the overall remuneration package as the sum of the three components recalled above, in<br />

the event targets related to the components b) and c) are achieved, it is pointed out that such targets and<br />

the related remuneration are referred to the position of Officers with strategic responsibilities within the<br />

<strong>Group</strong> (therefore including targets and remuneration received due to other positions in other <strong>Group</strong><br />

companies), and the relative weight of the same can be approximately represented as follows:<br />

a) the weight of the yearly fixed component is approximately equal to 35% of the Chief Operating Officer’s<br />

and 50% of the Manager in charge of preparing the company’s financial reports’ overall remuneration;<br />

b) the weight of the annual variable component (MBO) is approximately equal to 35% of the Chief Operating<br />

Officer’s and 30% of the Manager in charge of preparing the company’s financial reports’ overall<br />

remuneration.<br />

Such variable component cannot in any case exceed 100% of the fixed component as per letter a)<br />

above;<br />

c) the medium-long term variable component (LTI), currently based on three-year cycles, in its annual<br />

amount , represents about 30% of the Chief Operating Officer’s and 20% of the Manager in charge of<br />

preparing the company’s financial reports’ overall remuneration.<br />

Such variable component cannot in any case, during the entire three-year period of each plan, exceed<br />

100% of the fixed component referred to under a) above, as granted throughout the plan’s execution<br />

periods.<br />

With reference to the variable components of remuneration for Officers with strategic responsibilities<br />

referred to under letters b) and c) above, the Remuneration Committee:<br />

- defines, annually, proposals for the assignment of MBO targets to be submitted to the Board of Directors’<br />

approval;<br />

- monitors, in the following year, the degree of achievement of MBO targets and verifies the performance<br />

carried out;<br />

- verifies, at the end of each three-year reference period, the level of achievement of LTI targets.<br />

The Company does not have currently in place long-term incentive plans based on financial instruments for<br />

Officers with strategic responsibilities.<br />

The Board of Directors may also exceptionally establish special bonuses, upon occurrence of relevant,<br />

specific and unforeseen circumstances, in order to remunerate Officers with strategic responsibilities i) if the<br />

total amount of the other elements of remuneration is considered to be objectively inadequate with respect<br />

to the performance carried out, always within the overall upper limits set out in this Policy, or ii) in relation to<br />

specific activities and/or extraordinary transactions in terms of strategic relevance and impact on the<br />

Company’s and/or the <strong>Group</strong>’s results of operations.<br />

b) Remuneration of the Controller<br />

The remuneration of the Controller is established by the Board of Directors upon proposal of the<br />

Remuneration Committee based on the opinion of the Executive Director in charge of overseeing the<br />

functioning of the Internal Control system.<br />

Such remuneration is made up of an annual fixed component, an annual variable component and a longterm<br />

variable component (over three years).<br />

209<br />


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