2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group

2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group

2011 Annual Report - Italcementi Group


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<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Presentation 4<br />

General information 15<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Consolidated <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Directors’ report 28<br />

Extraordinary session <strong>Italcementi</strong> S.p.A. <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Consolidated financial statements 63<br />

Depreciation<br />

Depreciation is generally calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of each component of<br />

an asset. Land is not depreciated, with the exception of land used for quarrying operations.<br />

Asset useful life determines the depreciation rate until a subsequent review of residual useful life. The useful<br />

life range adopted for the various categories of assets is disclosed in the notes.<br />

Quarries<br />

Costs for the preparation and excavation of land to be quarried are amortized as the economic benefits of such<br />

costs are obtained.<br />

Quarry land is depreciated at rates reflecting the quantities extracted in the period in relation to the estimated<br />

total to be extracted over the period in which the quarry is to be worked.<br />

The <strong>Group</strong> makes specific provision for quarry environmental restoration obligations. Since the financial<br />

resources required to settle such obligations are directly related to the degree of use, the charge cannot be<br />

defined at inception with a balancing entry to the asset cost, but is provided to reflect the degree of use of the<br />

quarry.<br />

1.7 Leases<br />

Finance leases, which substantially transfer to the <strong>Group</strong> all risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the<br />

leased asset, are recognized from the lease inception date at the lower of the leased asset fair value or the<br />

present value of the lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between finance costs and reductions<br />

against the residual liability so as to obtain a constant rate of interest on the outstanding liability.<br />

The policies used for depreciation and subsequent measurement of leased assets are consistent with those<br />

used for the <strong>Group</strong>’s own property, plant and equipment.<br />

Leases where all risks and rewards incidental to ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as<br />

operating leases.<br />

Operating lease payments are recognized as expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.<br />

1.8 Investment property<br />

Investment property is land and/or buildings held to earn rental income and/or for capital appreciation, rather<br />

than for use in the production or supply of goods and services. Investment property is initially recognized at<br />

cost, including costs directly attributable to the purchase. Subsequent to initial recognition, investment property<br />

is measured at amortized cost, based on asset useful life less any impairment losses.<br />

1.9 Goodwill<br />

Goodwill recognized in accordance with IFRS 3 revised is allocated to the cash-generating units that are<br />

expected to benefit from the synergies created by the acquisition. Goodwill is stated at the original value less<br />

any impairment losses identified as a result of tests conducted on an annual basis or more frequently if<br />

indications of impairment emerge.<br />

When goodwill is allocated to a cash-generating unit part of whose assets are disposed of, the goodwill<br />

associated with the sold assets is taken into account when determining the gain or loss arising from the<br />

transaction.<br />

1.10. Intangible assets<br />

Intangible assets purchased separately are capitalized at cost, while those acquired through business<br />

combinations are recognized at provisionally estimated fair value at the acquisition date and adjusted where<br />

necessary within the following twelve months.<br />

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