Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Natural Hazards - Planat

Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Natural Hazards - Planat

Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Natural Hazards - Planat


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Flooding can also be exacerbated by human activities,<br />

such as failure to close flood gates, inappropriate reservoir<br />

operations or intentional damage to flood mitigation facilities.<br />

These factors played a role in the damages resulting<br />

from the 1993 flood in the Upper Mississippi River Basin.<br />

For example, flood water from early in the flood period was<br />

retained too long in the Coralville, Iowa, reservoir, so that no<br />

flood-storage capacity was available when later, larger floods<br />

occurred. This led to increases in the magnitude of flooding<br />

in Iowa City,Iowa.Also,a man attempted to cause a levee<br />

break near Quincy, Illinois, so that he would be trapped on<br />

one side of the river and not have to tell his wife he was late<br />

coming home because he was visiting his girlfriend. This latter<br />

point, although seemingly ludicrous, illustrates that even<br />

when preventative measures have been taken, individual or<br />

group action could seriously jeopardize them, potentially<br />

resulting in loss of life and serious economic damages.<br />

3.3.2 Meteorological causes of river floods and<br />

space-time characteristics<br />

The meteorological causes of floods may be grouped into<br />

four broad categories:<br />

(a) small-scale rainstorms causing flash floods;<br />

(b) widespread storms causing flooding on a regional scale;<br />

(c) conditions leading to snowmelt;and<br />

(d) floods resulting from ice jams.<br />

There is a general correlation among storm duration,<br />

storm areal extent, the size of the watershed associated with<br />

the flood, the duration of flooding, and the time from the<br />

beginning of the storm to the flood peak. Much of the following<br />

description is taken from Hirschboeck (1988), who<br />

describes the hydroclimatology and hydrometeorology of<br />

floods. Flash floods (WMO, 1981a; WMO, 1994) are typically<br />

caused by convective precipitation of high intensity,<br />

short duration (less than two to six hours) and limited areal<br />

extent (less than 1 000 km 2 ). Isolated thunderstorms and<br />

squall line disturbances are associated with the most localized<br />

events, whereas mesoscale convective systems, multiple<br />

squall lines and shortwave troughs are associated with flash<br />

floods occurring over somewhat larger areas. Flash floods<br />

can also be associated with regional storms if convective<br />

cells are embedded within the regional system.<br />

Regional flooding (1 000 to 1 000 000 km 2 ) tends to be<br />

associated with major fronts, monsoonal rainfall, tropical<br />

storms, extratropical storms and snowmelt. Here, the term<br />

“tropical storm” is used in the general sense as described in<br />

Chapter 2 and has more specific names including tropical<br />

cyclone, hurricane, or typhoon. Rainfall causing flooding in<br />

large watersheds tends to be less intense and of longer duration<br />

than rain causing localized flash floods. For regional<br />

flooding, the rainfall duration may range from several days<br />

to a week or, in exceptional cases involving very large watersheds,<br />

may be associated with multiple storms occurring<br />

over a period of several months, such as in the 1993 flood in<br />

the Upper Mississippi River basin or the 1998 flood in the<br />

Yangtze River basin.<br />

Floods are often associated with unusual atmospheric<br />

circulation patterns. Flood-producing weather may be due<br />

Chapter 3 — Hydrological hazards<br />

to a very high intensity of a common circulation pattern an<br />

uncommon location of a circulation feature, uncommon<br />

persistence of a weather pattern or an unusual circulation<br />

pattern. The most well-known of these anomalies is the “El<br />

Niño” event, which represents a major perturbation in<br />

atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns in the Pacific,<br />

and is associated with flooding, and also with droughts, in<br />

diverse parts of the world.<br />

Snowmelt floods are the result of three factors: the existence<br />

of the snowpack (areal extent and depth), its<br />

condition (temperature and water content) and the availability<br />

of energy <strong>for</strong> melting snow. Snowmelt occurs when<br />

energy is added to a snowpack at 0°C. In snow-dominated<br />

regions, some of the largest floods are caused by warm rain<br />

falling onto a snowpack at this temperature. In very large,<br />

snow-dominated watersheds, the annual peak flow is nearly<br />

always caused by snowmelt, whereas either snowmelt or<br />

rainstorms can cause the annual peak in small or mediumsized<br />

watersheds. In cold regions, extreme high water stage<br />

can be caused by snow obstructing very small channels or<br />

ice jams in large rivers. Church (1988) provides an excellent<br />

description of the characteristics and causes of flooding in<br />

cold climates.<br />

3.3.3 Hydrological contributions to floods<br />

Several hydrological processes can lead to flooding, and several<br />

factors can affect the flood potential of a particular<br />

rainstorm or snowmelt event. Some of factors that affect the<br />

volume of runoff include:<br />

(a) soil moisture levels prior to the storm;<br />

(b) level of shallow groundwater prior to the storm;<br />

(c) surface infiltration rate: affected by vegetation; soil texture,<br />

density and structure; soil moisture; ground litter;<br />

and the presence of frozen soil; and<br />

(d) the presence of impervious cover and whether runoff<br />

from the impervious cover directly drains into the<br />

stream or sewer network;<br />

Other factors affect the efficiency with which runoff is conveyed<br />

downstream, and the peak discharge <strong>for</strong> a given<br />

volume of storm runoff including:<br />

(e) the hydraulics of overland, subsurface and open-channel<br />

flow;<br />

(f) channel cross-sectional shape and roughness (these<br />

affect stream velocity);<br />

(g) presence or absence of overbank flow;<br />

(h) plan view morphometry of the channel network; and<br />

(i) the duration of runoff production relative to the time<br />

required <strong>for</strong> runoff to travel from the hydraulically farthest<br />

part of the watershed to the outlet, and temporal<br />

variations in runoff production.<br />

In general, soil moisture, the total amount of rain<br />

(snowmelt) and the rainfall intensity (snowmelt rate) are<br />

most important in generating flooding (WMO, 1994). The<br />

relative importance of these factors and the other factors<br />

previously listed vary from watershed to watershed and even<br />

storm to storm. In many watersheds, however, flooding is<br />

related to large rainfall amounts in conjunction with high<br />

levels of initial soil moisture. In contrast, flash floods in arid

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