Skáholt 2002 - Nabo

Skáholt 2002 - Nabo

Skáholt 2002 - Nabo


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is also suggested that a topographic survey, i.e. of the landscape features such as fences,<br />

buildings, car park areas is carried out using either, or both, the GPS and (or) the Total<br />

Station, so as to create a base map for the excavation and to orthorectify aerial<br />

photographs from different periods to understand the changes that have occurred at<br />

Skálholt.<br />

The results of the survey identified the significance and use of contour survey in relation<br />

to excavation. In several ways the results can be used to:<br />

1. provide a context for excavation results to sit within its wider environs;<br />

2. graphically support excavation results through 3D models and placement of CAD<br />

drawings;<br />

3. identify areas for future, more detailed targeted survey<br />

4. identify locations for potential excavation based on the survival of upstanding<br />

earthworks, both obvious to eye and those more subtle.<br />


Magnús Á. Sigurgeirsson, Fjallalind 123, IS-201 Kópavogur, netf.: masig@mmedia.is<br />

Fyrri rannsóknir<br />

Í skýrslunni er greint frá niðurstöðum gjóskulagaathugana sumarið <strong>2002</strong>, gerðar í<br />

tengslum við fornleifarannsóknir í Skálholti. Farnar voru tvær dagsferðir að Skálholti,<br />

dagana 7. júní og 13. júlí. Fyrri daginn var athyglinni einkum beint að uppgraftarsvæðinu<br />

og umhverfi þess en seinni daginn voru gjóskulög könnuð í nágrenni Skálholtsstaðar.<br />

Við greiningu gjóskulaganna var stuðst við fyrri rannsóknir í Skálholti og nágrenni.<br />

Gjóskulög voru könnuð í tengslum við fornleifarannsóknir í Skálholti á árunum 1954-<br />

1958 (Kristján Eldjárn o.fl. 1988). Fram kemur að Sigurður Þórarinsson hafi gert nokkra<br />


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