Acanthaceae (PDF)

Acanthaceae (PDF)

Acanthaceae (PDF)


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ACANTHACEAE 38525b. Plants strongly anisophyllous; leaves sessile; leaf blade apex acute; corolla pilose onlyon lobes ........................................................................................................................................ 115. S. rhombifolia24b. Bracts usually present; calyx with one lobe longer than others.26a. Apex of bracts obtuse or rounded.27a. Peduncle longer so inflorescence exceeding subtending leaves ............................................... 110. S. formosana27b. Peduncle very short so inflorescence shorter than subtending leaves ................................. 111. S. ovatibracteata26b. Apex of bracts acute or acuminate.28a. Bracts gland-tipped pubescent .......................................................................................... 109. S. glandibracteata28b. Bracts not gland-tipped pubescent.29a. Plants anisophyllous ....................................................................................................... 108. S. dimorphotricha29b. Plants isophyllous .................................................................................................................. 112. S. hupehensis12b. Anthers erect, oblong, ca. 2 × as long as broad; bracts persistent at least until fruit is formed.30a. Flowers arranged in small clusters along an axis forming a spike or panicle of capitula.31a. Capsule 6–8-seeded; calyx lobes linear-lanceolate; anthers apiculate with an excurrent connective ........ 1. S. tomentosa31b. Capsule 4-seeded; calyx lobes ovate and abruptly narrowed to an apiculate apex; anthers muticous ....... 70. S. congesta30b. Flowers arranged in axillary or terminal capitula.32a. Capsule 6-seeded or more; calyx hirsute inside at least near apex.33a. Corolla blue, bracts obtuse to acute ........................................................................................................ 2. S. quadrifaria33b. Corolla yellow, bracts apically beaked ...................................................................................................... 3. S. chinensis32b. Capsule 2–4-seeded; calyx glabrous inside (except in S. cruciata, S. oligantha, and S. wangiana).34a. Calyx 2-lipped, upper 3 lobes partially fused.35a. Fertile stamens 2; leaf blade margin entire ................................................................................................ 38. S. aprica35b. Fertile stamens 4; leaf blade margin serrate.36a. Lower calyx lip with 2 lobes, lobes distinct to base; capsule 2-seeded ................................................ 30. S. cyclus36b. Lower calyx lip 2-dentate, lobes connate for most of length; capsule 4-seeded ............................... 95. S. bipartita34b. Calyx subequally 5-lobed to base.37a. Corolla completely glabrous even on lobes and tube and in bud.38a. Isophyllous herbs; corolla purple ................................................................................................... 16. S. sarcorrhiza38b. Anisophyllous subshrubs; corolla white or rarely blue.39a. Stems winged; leaves sessile; anthers muticous ................................................................................. 96. S. retusa39b. Stems unwinged; leaves petiolate; anthers apiculate.40a. Outer bracts sessile, ovate ............................................................................................................ 99. S. echinata40b. Outer bracts with a broad petiolar base, pandurate in outline.41a. Petiolar base of bracts forming a rigid involucre, lamina spreading and ovate ....................... 97. S. cruciata41b. Petiolar base not forming an involucre, bracts pandurate, apical portion narrowlylanceolate ................................................................................................................................... 98. S. simonsii37b. Corolla pubescent at least on lobes or tube or in bud.42a. Bracts oblanceolate, obovate, subrhomboidal, or spatulate, broadest near apex, pilosewith reddish or white trichomes.43a. Bracts with reddish or brownish trichomes.44a. Leaves and stem reddish brown setose ............................................................................................ 20. S. hossei44b. Leaves and stem without reddish brown trichomes.45a. Bracts subrhomboidal-obovate, tips erect; pollen type 3 ...................................................... 21. S. torrentium45b. Bracts obovate, tips commonly recurved; pollen type 2 ........................................................ 22. S. anamitica43b. Bracts with white trichomes.46a. Bracts distinct from leaves, obovate, with gland-tipped trichomes, apex rounded ................... 18. S. lihengiae46b. Bracts oblanceolate to obovate, with a few marginal teeth, densely white pilose,without gland-tipped trichomes, apically narrowed to an obtuse apex.47a. Corolla 2.2–2.8 cm; plants drying dark green; inflorescences often becomingspicate in fruit .................................................................................................................. 15. S. austrosinensis47b. Corolla 2.8–3.2 cm; plants not drying dark green; inflorescences not becomingspicate in fruit ...................................................................................................................... 17. S. procumbens42b. Bracts linear, lanceolate, or oblong-elliptic, widest below middle.48a. Bracts commonly yellowish, overtopping capitula and giving a characteristic earedappearance ...................................................................................................................................... 19. S. esquirolii48b. Bracts with white trichomes, not overtopping capitula which do not have an earedappearance.49a. Heads strictly terminal; calyx lobes with trichomes apically on inner surface.50a. Leaf blade abaxially glabrous except on veins; corolla 3.5–4 cm ......................................... 13. S. wangiana50b. Leaf blade usually pubescent or rarely glabrous; corolla less than 3.5 cm ............................ 14. S. oligantha

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