Acanthaceae (PDF)

Acanthaceae (PDF)

Acanthaceae (PDF)


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ACANTHACEAE 38775a. Calyx lobes linear, 1–1.5 mm wide, apex acute or rarely obtuse ..................................... 64. S. atropurpurea75b. Calyx lobes ovate-elliptic, 3–5 mm wide, apex obtuse ......................................................... 65. S. latisepala73b. Corolla outside pubescent.76a. Rachis of inflorescences strongly winged.77a. Calyx less than 2 cm; capsule glabrous ..................................................................................... 66. S. tibetica77b. Calyx 2.5–3.6 cm; capsule comose .............................................................................. 67. S. pterygorrhachis76b. Rachis of inflorescences not winged.78a. Bracts margin entire, apex obtuse; plants subglabrous ........................................................... 68. S. urophylla78b. Bracts margin dentate, apex acuminate; plants usually densely hirsute or rarely(in S. inflata var. gongshanensis) subglabrous ............................................................................. 69. S. inflata70b. Flowers in axillary or terminal spikes but if axillary without leaflike bracts (except sometimesS. oresbia); flowers imbricate or not; spikes aggregated into a terminal panicle or not.79a. Flowers in axillary leafless spikes (sometimes from apicalmost axils); bracts distinct from leaves,often inconspicuous and merging into bracteoles and calyx lobes; spikes not aggregated into aleafless panicle except in S. nobilis and S. rostrata; corolla outside glabrous.80a. Calyx glabrous or with gland-tipped trichomes, margin never ciliate or ciliolate.81a. Inflorescences with flowers solitary on one side of spike; bracts linear, persistent.82a. Spikes strictly axillary; inflorescences glabrous ......................................................................... 54. S. helicta82b. Spikes aggregated into a terminal panicle; inflorescences with gland-tipped trichomes ......... 55. S. rostrata81b. Inflorescences with flowers paired and on two sides of spike; bracts ovate tooblong-elliptic, somewhat caducous.83a. Corolla bent; leaf blade abaxially whitish, margin entire to crenate ..................................... 52. S. rubescens83b. Corolla straight; leaf blade abaxially green, margin coarsely serrate.84a. Apex of bracts acute to obtuse; stems winged ................................................................ 41. S. pateriformis84b. Apex of bracts truncate; stems not winged ............................................................................ 42. S. truncata80b. Calyx lobes sometimes also with gland-tipped trichomes, margin ciliate or ciliolate.85a. Bracts with a recurved tip; inflorescences reddish brown .................................................... 92. S. brunnescens85b. Bracts with an erect tip; inflorescences greenish or rarely reddish brown.86a. Bracts ovate, obovate, or broadly elliptic, distinctly shorter than calyx.87a. Bracts abaxially with 2 raised eyelike structures ................................................................ 84. S. biocullata87b. Bracts abaxially without raised eyelike structures although sometimes with largesessile glands.88a. Spikes from apical axils; bracts obovate-spatulate ................................................... 80. S. pseudocollina88b. Spikes not restricted to apical axils; bracts ovate to elliptic.89a. Bracts not abruptly narrowed and without a mucronate apex.90a. Spikes commonly branched; flower pairs close along rachis; calyx 2-lippedwith 3 upper lobes partially fused ...................................................................... 81. S. longzhouensis90b. Spikes simple; flower pairs distant along rachis; calyx subequally 5-lobedto base .................................................................................................................. 82. S. cystolithigera89b. Bracts abruptly narrowed with a mucronate and sometimes caducous apex.91a. Plant drying olive-green; bracts abaxially with sessile glandular area, apexnot fimbriate, lacking reddish brown trichomes ...................................................... 83. S. abbreviata91b. Plant drying blackish green; bracts abaxially without glandular area, apexoften fimbriate with reddish brown trichomes .......................................................... 91. S. fimbriata86b. Bracts lanceolate, ovate, or oblong, usually equaling or exceeding calyx.92a. Leaf blade often pandurate, base rounded; apical leaves sessile; spikes elongatingbeyond leaves and inflorescence often of paniculate spikes in fruit ....................................... 93. S. nobilis92b. Leaf blade not pandurate, base cuneate; all leaves petiolate; inflorescence not paniculatein fruit.93a. Spikes only from terminal leaf axils.94a. Spikes 1–3 per axil; bracts abaxially with sessile black glands .................................. 89. S. heteroclita94b. Spikes 1 per axil; bracts abaxially lacking black glands ............................. 90. S. mucronatoproducta93b. Spikes not restricted to terminal axils.95a. Spikes 1–5 per leaf axil .............................................................................................. 94. S. polyneuros95b. Spike usually 1 per leaf axil.96a. Bracts 2–3 cm, much exceeding calyx ..................................................................... 88. S. compacta96b. Bracts less than 1.5 cm, ± equaling calyx.97a. Stems, leaves, and bracts pubescent ................................................................. 87. S. guangxiensis97b. Plant completely glabrous except for ciliolate margin of calyx lobes.

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