BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

BF-FieldManual-FEB13 -3.pdf - Bertelsmann Foundation

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in millions of USDin millions of USDUS-Turkey Bilateral Trade & Investment Relationship16,00014,00012,00010,0008,0006,0004,0002,00002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011US exports to TurkeyTurkey exports to USUS FDI in TurkeyTurkey FDI in USEU-Turkey Bilateral Trade & Investment Relationship100,00090,00080,00070,00060,00050,00040,00030,00020,00010,0000Sources: US Census Bureau: Foreign Trade; BEA: Foreign Direct Investment*2008-09 FDI data from Eurostat, International Trade2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011EU exports to TurkeyTurkey exports to EUEU FDI in TurkeyTurkey FDI in EUSources: Eurostat, International Trade; Eurostat, Balance of Payments*2011 EU-Turkey FDI data not yet published as this went to printAbkhazia and Moldova-Transnistria. 34Such a cooperative arrangement could bea first step toward an eventual solution tothe standoff over Cyprus.A Turkish state that isstronger economically,politically anddemocratically wouldaid Ankara’s desire tobe a regional player andserve US interests in theregion more broadly.3. Look for alternativepaths to progress on theTurkish-EU relationship:Solving the Cyprus and Kurdish disputeswould substantially increase Turkey’schances of achieving EU membership. Butwith negotiations currently at an impasseand growing concerns over Turkey’sfuture, the US should encourage Europeto seek alternative paths to achieveprogress on the Turkish-EU relationship.Such a path could be found in the earlysuccesses of the Positive Agenda. Bothsides have already made strides inworking groups focusing on energy andvisa liberalization. 35 At a minimum, thenext US administration should signalits strong support for negotiations andoffer to consult on chapters where ithas a distinct interest in seeing Turkishreforms, particularly the judiciary andfundamental rights chapter. As the UShas previously expressed concern overrule-of-law issues in Turkey, it couldfacilitate judicial exchanges between bothcountries similar to retired US SupremeCourt justice Sandra Day O’Connor’svisit to Turkey in 2011. 36/37 It should alsoencourage the expansion of negotiationsbeyond the selected eight chapters toinclude areas such as foreign, securityand defense policy, where progress couldlead to parallel improvement in EU-NATOcooperation. Perhaps most importantly,the US should draw direct links betweendemocratic consolidation domesticallyand Turkey’s role in the region. A Turkishstate that is stronger economically,politically and democratically would aidTurkey6 1

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